On 15/08/2019 12:53, Andrew Dinn wrote:
Hi Alan,

Any further input on this patch forthcoming?

I think the main changes since I looked at it previously have been in the tests.

On non-Linux platforms, FileChannel.map should throw UOE when invoked with a mode map of READ_ONLY_SYNC or READ_WRITE_SYNC so I think we need a test for that.

MapFail seems fragile. If you add @modules java.base/jdk.internal.misc to the test description then it could use Unsafe::isWritebackEnabled and I think would simplify the test and checks. It would mean it could run on all platforms. Also "MapFail" is probably too general a name for a test in MBB because its specific to the extended map modes, not a general test of map failing.

In passing, MappedByteBuffer load/isLoaded check the fd value before isSync, can force() do the same? Also the @return on the private isSync method is very wordy and I don't think needs to duplicate the method description.


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