I would also be interested in that. At least I would like to know where I can find the default files used by jpackage and how to override/modify them if needed.

The current documentation only mentions the --resource-dir option, but does not provide any detailed information.

Am 26.08.2019 um 20:27 schrieb Tom Vasset (tvasset):

I've been experimenting with jpackage for packaging an app with both a win and 
a mac installer.

For the windows installer, are there ways to customize the WiX files produced 
by jpackage? A simple example is to get rid of the default red WiX icons in the 
installer and replace them with product specific ones (which I would think 
anyone building an msi would want to do).

I've tried to find documentation for how to work with the --resource-dir option 
(which seems to allow a script to be run), but I can find no examples of how to 
use it anywhere...



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