On Sun, 8 Nov 2020 15:55:58 GMT, Peter Levart <plev...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Hi Stuart,
>> I would like to discuss the serialization. You introduce new 
>> CollSer.IMM_LIST_NULLS type of immutable collection. This means that if this 
>> change goes into JDK16 for example, JDK15 and before will not be able to 
>> deserialize such list as they know nothing about IMM_LIST_NULLS even if such 
>> lists don't contain nulls. The reason you say to chose new type of 
>> serialization format is the following:
>>> "Suppose I had an application that created a data structure that used lists 
>>> from List.of(), and I had a global assertion over that structure that it 
>>> contained no nulls. Further suppose that I serialized and deserizalized 
>>> this structure. I'd want that assertion to be preserved after 
>>> deserialization. If another app (or a future version of this app) created 
>>> the structure using Stream.to
>>>  List(), this would allow nulls to leak into that structure and violate 
>>> that assertion. Therefore, the result of Stream.toList() should not be 
>>> serialization-compatible with List.of() et. al. That's why there's the new 
>>> IMM_LIST_NULLS tag in the serial format"
>> I don't quite get this reasoning. Let's try to decompose the reasoning 
>> giving an example. Suppose we had the following data structure:
>> public class Names implements Serializable {
>>   private final List<String> names;
>>   Names(List<String> names) {
>>     this.names = names;
>>   }
>>   public List<String> names() { return names; }
>> }
>> App v1 creates such structures using new Names(List.of(...)) and 
>> serializes/deserializes them. They keep the invariant that no nulls are 
>> present. Now comes App v2 that starts using new Names(stream.toList()) which 
>> allows nulls to be present. When such Names instance from app v2 is 
>> serialized and then deserialized in app v1, nulls "leak" into data structure 
>> of app v1 that does not expect them.
>> But the question is how does having a separate CollSer.IMM_LIST_NULLS type 
>> prevent that from happening?
> I can see that having a separate IMM_LIST_NULLS type might be necessary to 
> preserve the allows-null/disallows-null behaviour of indexOf and lastIndexOf 
> methods...
> NOTE ALSO that ListN.equals(o) and ListN.hashCode() are inherited from 
> AbstractImmutableList:
>         @Override
>         public boolean equals(Object o) {
>             if (o == this) {
>                 return true;
>             }
>             if (!(o instanceof List)) {
>                 return false;
>             }
>             Iterator<?> oit = ((List<?>) o).iterator();
>             for (int i = 0, s = size(); i < s; i++) {
>                 if (!oit.hasNext() || !get(i).equals(oit.next())) {
>                     return false;
>                 }
>             }
>             return !oit.hasNext();
>         }
> and
>         public int hashCode() {
>             int hash = 1;
>             for (int i = 0, s = size(); i < s; i++) {
>                 hash = 31 * hash + get(i).hashCode();
>             }
>             return hash;
>         }
> ...which means they will throw NPE when the list contains null. The same goes 
> for SubList.

@plevart wrote:
> But the question is how does having a separate CollSer.IMM_LIST_NULLS type 
> prevent that from happening?

When a serialized list with IMM_LIST_NULLS is deserialized on an older JDK, 
it'll throw InvalidObjectException since that tag isn't valid on older JDKs. 
Obviously this is still an error, but it's a fail-fast approach that avoids 
letting nulls leak into a data structure where they might cause a problem some 
arbitrary time later.

> NOTE ALSO that ListN.equals(o) and ListN.hashCode() are inherited from 
> AbstractImmutableList [...] which means they will throw NPE when the list 
> contains null. The same goes for SubList.

Good catch! Yes, this is a problem. I'll do some rearranging here and add more 
test cases. Thanks for spotting this.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/1026

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