On Saturday, April 17, 2021 11:48 CEST, Stephen Colebourne 
<scolebou...@joda.org> wrote:

> On Fri, 16 Apr 2021 at 18:41, Stuart Marks <stuart.ma...@oracle.com> wrote:
> > This is a proposal to add a ReversibleCollection interface to the 
> > Collections
> > Framework. I'm looking for comments on overall design before I work on 
> > detailed
> > specifications and tests. Please send such comments as replies on this 
> > email thread.
> I think this could be an interesting addition to the framework.
> > # Ordering and Reversibility
> Reading this section, it seems like ordering is a more significant
> quality than reversibility. Yet the API is named "reversible". That
> seems odd, esepcially given the stream characteristic.

Since `reversible = ordered + sized`, using reversible makes sense imho (even 
though in the context of the Collections Framework, reversible <-> ordered, 
since all collections are sized). Also, I think "reversible" is much less 
likely to clash with existing code (e.g. a quick GitHub search shows 1 result 
for `ReversibleCollection`, while there's plenty for `OrderedCollection`).

> > SortedSet::addFirst and addLast throw UnsupportedOperationException. This 
> > is because
> > SortedSet's ordering is determined by the comparison method and cannot be 
> > controlled
> > explicitly.
> This seems undesirable. Maybe SortedSet should not implement
> reversible/ordered? Maybe they should add to the set but validate
> whether they would be in first/last position? Simply allowing users to
> get a new instance with a different (eg. reversed) comparator would
> meet much of the use case.

I'd argue throwing UOE is the right thing to do. Not having `SortedSet` 
implement `ReversibleSet` doesn't make sense to me. Adding with validation is 
reasonable in itself, but then you'd have to specify `IllegalArgumentException` 
in `ReversibleCollection` (where you'd have a hard time specifying the 
conditions under which it might be thrown without explicitly referencing 
`SortedSet`), just to accommodate these 2 methods which would be very rarely 

> Also, SortedSet uses first() and last(), yet the proposed interface
> uses getFirst() and getLast().

Since `Deque` uses `getFirst()` and `getLast()`, it's impossible to match all 
existing methods in the different interfaces.

> Stephen

Kind regards, Anthony

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