On 4/17/21 4:49 AM, Tagir Valeev wrote:
Great proposal, thanks!

It has most functionality from my previous proposal, except the
ability to iterate LinkedHashSet starting from a specific element.
Well, probably we can skip this for now.

Thanks! And thanks for making that proposal a year ago; the ideas there and in the ensuing discussion clearly informed this proposal.

I did spend a bunch of time thinking about the "start from a specific element" case. Certainly it isn't difficult to create an iterator that starts from a specific element and proceeds in either direction. However, it's 2021, and nobody wants to program using Iterators anymore!! :-)

Perhaps an obvious extension is a LinkedHashSet subset-view from a particular element to the end (or beginning). This is kind of interesting, however, it leads off into the weeds. That is, the complexity in doing this seemed to outweigh the rest of the proposal, especially for the limited value it supplies, so I've left it aside for now.

It's possible to get a stream of LHS elements starting or ending at a particular element though a combination of reversed, takeWhile, and dropWhile.


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