This doesn’t seem like something that should be the job of jpackage.  The 
jpackage tool is currently used for producing platform-specific packages or 
installers targeted at end-users that include native launchers and a JRE.  
Web-based applications are an entirely different beast. This seems like more of 
a job for a Maven or Gradle plugin.



> On Apr 24, 2021, at 5:59 PM, Andrew Oliver <> wrote:
> Below is a Java Enhancement Proposal for your consideration to add
> JavaScript to jpackage as a new target platform.  I would appreciate
> feedback on the proposal contents.  I am also interested in learning about
> the process, specifically what approvals are required prior to start of
> implementation, should sufficient consensus be reached.
> ( To view this proposal as a web page, please visit:
> )
> Thank you!
>  -Andrew Oliver
> Title: Add JavaScript platform to jpackage
> Author: Andrew Oliver
> Created: 2021/04/24
> Type: Feature
> State: Draft
> Exposure: Open
> Component: tools/jpackage
> Scope: JDK
> Discussion:
> Template: 1.0
> Summary
> -------
> jpackage already allows packaging Java applications for several platforms.
> This proposal adds a new platform: JavaScript.
> This effort will enable jpackage to convert bytecode from the provided
> classes into JavaScript, and generate the required HTML to invoke the
> specified main method when opened in a web browser. These files will be
> bundled into a WAR file for easy deployment.
> Goals
> -----
> *   Enabling JVM languages to build client-side web applications
> *   Allow easy generation of JavaScript from JVM bytecode
> *   Allow easy deployment and execution of generated JavaScript in web
> browsers
> *   Allow easy deployment of the generated JavaScript in all web server
> environments
>    *   Java web application container (like Tomcat)
>    *   Static file web servers
>    *   Static file web hosting services
> Non-Goals
> ---------
> *   Allowing execution of JavaScript server-side. (Java already has
> numerous options for executing bytecode server-side.)
> Motivation
> ----------
> Java was once used to create client-side web applications via applets that
> could be launched by visiting a web page. Applets could draw on an area of
> the screen (like HTML5 Canvas) or manipulate the page DOM to create dynamic
> front-end applications (like JS single-page apps).
> However, as evident in JEP 398 ([
> applets are no longer feasible due to the actions of browser vendors. While
> browsers have lost the ability to execute Java bytecode or invoke methods
> from the Java class libraries, they do have mature engines for executing a
> different sort of code (JavaScript) and an extensive list of useful APIs.
> By converting class files to JavaScript, and providing mechanisms to invoke
> browser APIs, Java can again be used to create in-browser applications.
> [TeaVM]( has demonstrated that this is feasible and has
> numerous benefits:
> *   Provides a strongly-typed language for client-side web development
> *   Provides a wealth of IDEs, build tools, and testing tools for
> client-side web development
> *   Allows teams with Java experience to produce apps with familiar
> technology
> *   Allows sharing of POJO and business logic classes, simplifying
> development
> *   Allows options for porting applet- and JNLP-based systems to
> present-day browsers
> Details
> -------
> An additional jpackage option for type will be added: `js`
> jpackage will use a JavaScript AOT compiler (TeaVM) to convert the Java
> code to JavaScript, with the main class compiled to a JavaScript method
> called 'main()'.
> jpackage bundles application code, runtime, and resources into a
> platform-specific format. For this new JavaScript type, the layout will be
> either a ZIP file or a standard WAR file. The ZIP format will contain the
> files ready to be extracted to a static file webserver or HTML hosting
> service. Generated WARs will have the required structure to be deployable
> in a Java web application container.
> ### WAR layout
> *   HelloApp.war
>    *   index.html (Main application page, loads classes.js and invokes
> main())
>    *   teavm
>        *   classes.js (Class files, templates, and resources compiled to
> JavaScript)
>    *   css
>        *   (CSS files from application)
>    *   META-INF
>        *   MANIFEST.MF
>    *   WEB-INF
>        *   web.xml
> ### ZIP Layout
> *
>    *   index.html (Main application page, loads classes.js and invokes
> main())
>    *   teavm
>        *   classes.js (Class files, templates, and resources compiled to
> JavaScript)
>    *   css
>        *   (CSS files from application)
> Basic usage: Non-modular applications
> -------------------------------------
> Command-line usage is similar to jpackage today, except you use the `--type
> js`. For example, if you have your application JARs in a folder called
> `lib` and the JAR with the declared `main()` method is `main.jar`, you
> could use this command:
> ```
> $ jpackage --type js --name myapp --input lib --main-jar main.jar
> ```
> This will produce `myapp.war` in the current directory. This is a standard
> WAR file ready for deployment in any web application container (like
> Tomcat). When myapp/index.html is opened in a browser, the code in main()
> will be executed, in-browser. A typical Hello World main() method like
> ```
>    public static void main(String args\[\]) {
>        System.out.println("Hello, Browser!");
>    }
> ```
> will print the message on the browser developer console.
> Processing
> ----------
> Conversion of the input JAR files to the classes.js file will be done by
> TeaVM. It will
> *   Convert provided class files to JavaScript
> *   Expose the specified main method as main()
> *   Provide implementation of selected core Java classes that function in a
> browser environment
> *   Bundle resources into the generated JavaScript
> *   Include images, css, and web.xml in the generated package, if provided
> *   Provide default index.html if omitted
> *   Provide default web.xml if omitted and WAR format specified
> *   Optionally minify the generated JavaScript
> ### js-specific options
> 1.  `--minify`: Perform a minification pass after generating JavaScript,
> renaming classes and methods to short, generated names to reduce download
> sizes and provide some obfuscation.
> 2.  `--debug`: Enable generation of source maps.
> 3.  `--debug-full`: Enable generation of source maps and bundled source
> files.
> 4.  `--optimization`: Choose simple, advanced, or full.
>    *   simple: Perform only basic optimizations
>    *   advanced: Perform more optimizations. Recommended for production.
>    *   full: Perform aggressive optimizations. Increases compilation time.
> 5.  `--timezone-support`: Enables timezone support, at the cost of
> increased application size
> 6.  `--locale-list`: Add extra locales via a list, at the cost of increased
> application size. Format: comma-separated list of locale IDs like "en\_US,
> ru\_RU"
> ### Unsupported options for the JavaScript type
> These options are unsupported for `--type js`
> *   `--file-associations`: Not yet meaningful for a web-based app, though
> it may be in the future once PWAs support file types: [
> *   `--app-version, --copyright, --description, --license-file, --vendor`:
> jpackage will only support --name initially. Users can customize index.html
> (and the rest of the application) to show branding and metadata as desired.
> *   `--java-options`: Not yet supported, use `--arguments` instead.
> Caveats
> -------
> Certain Java classes are not feasible to implement in a browser setting.
> Socket, for example, is not useful in a browser since JavaScript cannot
> open arbitrary socket connections. Code using unavailable classes will fail
> during packaging time with warnings about the missing classes.
> Testing
> -------
> Since TeaVM is Java-based, tests will be able to run on any platform.
> Testing will focus on the new jpackage code and added functionality. Tests
> will confirm that when valid parameters are provided, that output is
> generated with the right name and in the right folder. Contents of the
> generated ZIP and WAR files will be checked for the presence of expected
> files. Testing generated files in a browser will be done manually.
> A thorough test of TeaVM itself is out of scope for the jpackage testing.
> This is in line with jpackage testing for other platforms, in which the
> external packaging tool (like Wix on Windows) isn't exhaustively tested.
> Dependencies
> ------------
> The jpackage `js` type will require TeaVM binaries to be present.
> Implementation options:
> *   Download TeaVM on-demand and cache it. (This is the likely option.)
>    *   Look for TeaVM in local repositories for popular build tools like
> Maven and Gradle
>    *   If not found locally, download TeaVM binaries from the read-only
> central repository and store in the cache folder
>    *   Invoke TeaVM from the local repository or cache
> *   Require that TeaVM binaries be installed locally
>    *   Provide the path to TeaVM binaries on the command line
> *   Bundle TeaVM
>    *   Challenging due to incompatible licenses (Apache v2 vs. GPL v2 with
> CPE)
>    *   Probably unnecessary given the options above. Other jpackage
> options require pre-installed tools, this will be no different.
> High-Level Design
> -----------------
> A new bundler will be added to the jpackage Java source code.
> It will first ensure that TeaVM binaries (JAR files) are available locally,
> as described in the section above.
> The new bundler will use TeaVM's TeaVMRunner ([
> which conveniently accepts options similar to jpackage itself. TeaVMRunner
> will do the heavy lifting of converting the application JAR files and
> resources into `classes.js`.
> The bundler will provide additional files required to make a web
> application, including an `index.html` to launch the `main()` method. The
> bundler will create the final archive (ZIP or WAR) using Java's
> ZipOutputStream. For the WAR format, the bundler will also add `web.xml`
> and `MANIFEST.MF` if not present to create a deployable, standard WAR file.

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