Regardless of whether you integrate into jpackage or provide a new "jspackage" tool, this presupposes the capability of running a set of Java class files on top of a JavaScript engine. Pointing to a third-party library that happens to implement this isn't sufficient to define this new platform. Given that you are targeting a platform / runtime environment that isn't part of the JDK, then I don't see why the packaging tool for that platform should be part of the JDK.

-- Kevin

On 5/8/2021 8:47 AM, Andrew Oliver wrote:
Much of the feedback (public and private) from this proposal has focused on integration with jpackage.  There is concern that jpackage is strictly for platforms where the OpenJDK runtime is bundled with the class files in an installer for distribution on that platform.  I have a couple of questions for this list:

1. Is it the intent that jpackage _only_ be used for platforms where the OpenJDK runtime is bundled, in whole or in part?  The descriptions from the jpackage docs mentions taking a Java run-time image as input, but then says it produces an application that "includes all the necessary dependencies": "The |jpackage| tool will take as input a Java application and a Java run-time image, and produce a Java application image that includes all the necessary dependencies. It will be able to produce a native package in a platform-specific format, such as an exe on Windows or a dmg on macOS."

In this case, the Java application will be converted to JavaScript, and the required code to meet JLS semantics will be provided.  Since the runtime binary (java.exe) isn't needed, it is not a necessary dependency and is omitted.  The resulting native package is provided in a platform-specific format (WAR or ZIP), as appropriate for a web application.  To me, this certainly meets the letter of the jpackage description, but perhaps not the spirit.  I'm interested in more feedback on this point.

2. If the answer to (1) above is 'yes', jpackage is only suitable if you plan to bundle OpenJDK VM code, then I will propose a new tool, separate from jpackage.  The tentative name is "jspackage".

The jspackage command will take as input a Java application, and produce a web application that includes all of the necessary dependencies.  It will produce a cross-platform web application bundle in either WAR or ZIP format.

On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 5:39 AM Kevin Rushforth < <>> wrote:

    Without commenting on the value proposition of what you propose to
    do, I
    am fairly certain that jpackage is not the way to do it. The job of
    jpackage is to take an application, bundle it with a Java Runtime,
    create a native package / installer from it. What you are describing
    goes far beyond that. You are describing a new capability of the JDK
    that would take Java bytecode and compile it to run it on top of a
    JavaScript engine.

    > jpackage will use a JavaScript AOT compiler (TeaVM) to convert
    the Java
    > code to JavaScript, with the main class compiled to a JavaScript
    > called 'main()'.

    This is a good indicator that your proposal isn't simply targeting
    a new
    platform that already exists, and for which there is a Java
    runtime that
    supports running on this platform.

    -- Kevin

    On 4/25/2021 5:10 PM, Andrew Oliver wrote:
    > While I agree it is a somewhat different platform than Linux,
    Mac, or
    > Windows, I do think the web is a platform worth targeting.  And
    when seen
    > through just a slightly different lens, it is more like the
    others than it
    > might first seem:
    > On the platform:
    > * It is difficult for users to run Java bytecode or JARs directly
    > * Bytecode needs some form of transformation to operate efficiently
    > * Packaging into a platform-specific format is required for easy
    > distribution
    > * Without a packager tool, developers have to surmount significant
    > obstacles to distribute on the platform, reducing the appeal and
    > of Java
    > Yes, there are maven and gradle plugins available to allow Java
    to target
    > the JavaScript platform.  ( For example,
    > However, for many users a browser-friendly solution with a small
    number of
    > dependencies is going to be the only option.  Take, for example,
    new users,
    > students, and educational settings.  In many cases, programming
    > are required to be posted on the web.  If the JDK could target
    > self-contained web applications, as per this proposal, students
    > easily post their assignments for the whole class to see.  This
    would be
    > much more reasonable than asking students to learn Java and
    maven and POM
    > files (and I'm saying that as a fan of maven).
    > Lest people misinterpret the above as suggesting this JEP is
    useful only in
    > an educational context, many business projects these days need
    to be web
    > applications.  Users are often unwilling or unable to download
    and install
    > applications for short, quick, or one-off transactions. Thus
    there is a
    > large market for projects that absolutely require a web
    presence.  This JEP
    > would help illustrate how Java could be used even for front-end web
    > development.  Yes, large-scale projects would likely use maven
    or gradle.
    > But for quick proofs-of-concept, little could make it easier to
    > the ability to do front-end development in Java then easily
    packaging a
    > Java code into a ZIP and deploying on any web server (or a WAR on an
    > application server, if desired).
    >    -Andrew
    > On Sat, Apr 24, 2021 at 10:39 PM Scott Palmer
    < <>> wrote:
    >> This doesn’t seem like something that should be the job of
    jpackage.  The
    >> jpackage tool is currently used for producing platform-specific
    packages or
    >> installers targeted at end-users that include native launchers
    and a JRE.
    >> Web-based applications are an entirely different beast. This
    seems like
    >> more of a job for a Maven or Gradle plugin.
    >> Regards,
    >> Scott
    >>> On Apr 24, 2021, at 5:59 PM, Andrew Oliver <
    <>> wrote:
    >>> Below is a Java Enhancement Proposal for your consideration to add
    >>> JavaScript to jpackage as a new target platform. I would
    >>> feedback on the proposal contents.  I am also interested in
    >> about
    >>> the process, specifically what approvals are required prior to
    start of
    >>> implementation, should sufficient consensus be reached.
    >>> ( To view this proposal as a web page, please visit:
    >>> Thank you!
    >>>   -Andrew Oliver
    >>> Title: Add JavaScript platform to jpackage
    >>> Author: Andrew Oliver
    >>> Created: 2021/04/24
    >>> Type: Feature
    >>> State: Draft
    >>> Exposure: Open
    >>> Component: tools/jpackage
    >>> Scope: JDK
    >>> Discussion:
    >>> Template: 1.0
    >>> Summary
    >>> -------
    >>> jpackage already allows packaging Java applications for several
    >> platforms.
    >>> This proposal adds a new platform: JavaScript.
    >>> This effort will enable jpackage to convert bytecode from the
    >>> classes into JavaScript, and generate the required HTML to
    invoke the
    >>> specified main method when opened in a web browser. These
    files will be
    >>> bundled into a WAR file for easy deployment.
    >>> Goals
    >>> -----
    >>> *   Enabling JVM languages to build client-side web applications
    >>> *   Allow easy generation of JavaScript from JVM bytecode
    >>> *   Allow easy deployment and execution of generated
    JavaScript in web
    >>> browsers
    >>> *   Allow easy deployment of the generated JavaScript in all
    web server
    >>> environments
    >>>     *   Java web application container (like Tomcat)
    >>>     *   Static file web servers
    >>>     *   Static file web hosting services
    >>> Non-Goals
    >>> ---------
    >>> *   Allowing execution of JavaScript server-side. (Java
    already has
    >>> numerous options for executing bytecode server-side.)
    >>> Motivation
    >>> ----------
    >>> Java was once used to create client-side web applications via
    >> that
    >>> could be launched by visiting a web page. Applets could draw
    on an area
    >> of
    >>> the screen (like HTML5 Canvas) or manipulate the page DOM to
    >> dynamic
    >>> front-end applications (like JS single-page apps).
    >>> However, as evident in JEP 398 ([
    >>> applets are no longer feasible due to the actions of browser
    >> While
    >>> browsers have lost the ability to execute Java bytecode or
    invoke methods
    >>> from the Java class libraries, they do have mature engines for
    >> a
    >>> different sort of code (JavaScript) and an extensive list of
    useful APIs.
    >>> By converting class files to JavaScript, and providing
    mechanisms to
    >> invoke
    >>> browser APIs, Java can again be used to create in-browser
    >>> [TeaVM](
    has demonstrated that this is feasible and
    >> has
    >>> numerous benefits:
    >>> *   Provides a strongly-typed language for client-side web
    >>> *   Provides a wealth of IDEs, build tools, and testing tools for
    >>> client-side web development
    >>> *   Allows teams with Java experience to produce apps with
    >>> technology
    >>> *   Allows sharing of POJO and business logic classes, simplifying
    >>> development
    >>> *   Allows options for porting applet- and JNLP-based systems to
    >>> present-day browsers
    >>> Details
    >>> -------
    >>> An additional jpackage option for type will be added: `js`
    >>> jpackage will use a JavaScript AOT compiler (TeaVM) to convert
    the Java
    >>> code to JavaScript, with the main class compiled to a
    JavaScript method
    >>> called 'main()'.
    >>> jpackage bundles application code, runtime, and resources into a
    >>> platform-specific format. For this new JavaScript type, the
    layout will
    >> be
    >>> either a ZIP file or a standard WAR file. The ZIP format will
    contain the
    >>> files ready to be extracted to a static file webserver or HTML
    >>> service. Generated WARs will have the required structure to be
    >>> in a Java web application container.
    >>> ### WAR layout
    >>> *   HelloApp.war
    >>>     *   index.html (Main application page, loads classes.js
    and invokes
    >>> main())
    >>>     *   teavm
    >>>         *   classes.js (Class files, templates, and resources
    compiled to
    >>> JavaScript)
    >>>     *   css
    >>>         *   (CSS files from application)
    >>>     *   META-INF
    >>>         *   MANIFEST.MF
    >>>     *   WEB-INF
    >>>         *   web.xml
    >>> ### ZIP Layout
    >>> *
    >>>     *   index.html (Main application page, loads classes.js
    and invokes
    >>> main())
    >>>     *   teavm
    >>>         *   classes.js (Class files, templates, and resources
    compiled to
    >>> JavaScript)
    >>>     *   css
    >>>         *   (CSS files from application)
    >>> Basic usage: Non-modular applications
    >>> -------------------------------------
    >>> Command-line usage is similar to jpackage today, except you
    use the
    >> `--type
    >>> js`. For example, if you have your application JARs in a
    folder called
    >>> `lib` and the JAR with the declared `main()` method is
    `main.jar`, you
    >>> could use this command:
    >>> ```
    >>> $ jpackage --type js --name myapp --input lib --main-jar main.jar
    >>> ```
    >>> This will produce `myapp.war` in the current directory. This is a
    >> standard
    >>> WAR file ready for deployment in any web application container
    >>> Tomcat). When myapp/index.html is opened in a browser, the
    code in main()
    >>> will be executed, in-browser. A typical Hello World main()
    method like
    >>> ```
    >>>     public static void main(String args\[\]) {
    >>>         System.out.println("Hello, Browser!");
    >>>     }
    >>> ```
    >>> will print the message on the browser developer console.
    >>> Processing
    >>> ----------
    >>> Conversion of the input JAR files to the classes.js file will
    be done by
    >>> TeaVM. It will
    >>> *   Convert provided class files to JavaScript
    >>> *   Expose the specified main method as main()
    >>> *   Provide implementation of selected core Java classes that
    >> in a
    >>> browser environment
    >>> *   Bundle resources into the generated JavaScript
    >>> *   Include images, css, and web.xml in the generated package, if
    >> provided
    >>> *   Provide default index.html if omitted
    >>> *   Provide default web.xml if omitted and WAR format specified
    >>> *   Optionally minify the generated JavaScript
    >>> ### js-specific options
    >>> 1.  `--minify`: Perform a minification pass after generating
    >>> renaming classes and methods to short, generated names to
    reduce download
    >>> sizes and provide some obfuscation.
    >>> 2.  `--debug`: Enable generation of source maps.
    >>> 3.  `--debug-full`: Enable generation of source maps and
    bundled source
    >>> files.
    >>> 4.  `--optimization`: Choose simple, advanced, or full.
    >>>     *   simple: Perform only basic optimizations
    >>>     *   advanced: Perform more optimizations. Recommended for
    >>>     *   full: Perform aggressive optimizations. Increases
    >> time.
    >>> 5.  `--timezone-support`: Enables timezone support, at the cost of
    >>> increased application size
    >>> 6.  `--locale-list`: Add extra locales via a list, at the cost of
    >> increased
    >>> application size. Format: comma-separated list of locale IDs like
    >> "en\_US,
    >>> ru\_RU"
    >>> ### Unsupported options for the JavaScript type
    >>> These options are unsupported for `--type js`
    >>> *   `--file-associations`: Not yet meaningful for a web-based
    app, though
    >>> it may be in the future once PWAs support file types: [
    >>> *   `--app-version, --copyright, --description, --license-file,
    >> --vendor`:
    >>> jpackage will only support --name initially. Users can customize
    >> index.html
    >>> (and the rest of the application) to show branding and metadata as
    >> desired.
    >>> *   `--java-options`: Not yet supported, use `--arguments`
    >>> Caveats
    >>> -------
    >>> Certain Java classes are not feasible to implement in a
    browser setting.
    >>> Socket, for example, is not useful in a browser since
    JavaScript cannot
    >>> open arbitrary socket connections. Code using unavailable
    classes will
    >> fail
    >>> during packaging time with warnings about the missing classes.
    >>> Testing
    >>> -------
    >>> Since TeaVM is Java-based, tests will be able to run on any
    >>> Testing will focus on the new jpackage code and added
    >> Tests
    >>> will confirm that when valid parameters are provided, that
    output is
    >>> generated with the right name and in the right folder.
    Contents of the
    >>> generated ZIP and WAR files will be checked for the presence
    of expected
    >>> files. Testing generated files in a browser will be done manually.
    >>> A thorough test of TeaVM itself is out of scope for the
    jpackage testing.
    >>> This is in line with jpackage testing for other platforms, in
    which the
    >>> external packaging tool (like Wix on Windows) isn't
    exhaustively tested.
    >>> Dependencies
    >>> ------------
    >>> The jpackage `js` type will require TeaVM binaries to be present.
    >>> Implementation options:
    >>> *   Download TeaVM on-demand and cache it. (This is the likely
    >>>     *   Look for TeaVM in local repositories for popular build
    tools like
    >>> Maven and Gradle
    >>>     *   If not found locally, download TeaVM binaries from the
    >>> central repository and store in the cache folder
    >>>     *   Invoke TeaVM from the local repository or cache
    >>> *   Require that TeaVM binaries be installed locally
    >>>     *   Provide the path to TeaVM binaries on the command line
    >>> *   Bundle TeaVM
    >>>     *   Challenging due to incompatible licenses (Apache v2
    vs. GPL v2
    >> with
    >>> CPE)
    >>>     *   Probably unnecessary given the options above. Other
    >>> options require pre-installed tools, this will be no different.
    >>> High-Level Design
    >>> -----------------
    >>> A new bundler will be added to the jpackage Java source code.
    >>> It will first ensure that TeaVM binaries (JAR files) are available
    >> locally,
    >>> as described in the section above.
    >>> The new bundler will use TeaVM's TeaVMRunner ([
    >> ),
    >>> which conveniently accepts options similar to jpackage itself.
    >> TeaVMRunner
    >>> will do the heavy lifting of converting the application JAR
    files and
    >>> resources into `classes.js`.
    >>> The bundler will provide additional files required to make a web
    >>> application, including an `index.html` to launch the `main()`
    method. The
    >>> bundler will create the final archive (ZIP or WAR) using Java's
    >>> ZipOutputStream. For the WAR format, the bundler will also add
    >>> and `MANIFEST.MF` if not present to create a deployable,
    standard WAR
    >> file.

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