On 4/23/21 8:33 AM, Stuart Marks wrote:
This is what I intended anyway, ie that its OK for "first" to work on
an unordered collection, just that addFirst() has very weak semantics
wrt first-ness.

"Ensures that this collection contains the specified element(optional
operation). This has the same basic behaviour as add(E), but
implementations may choose to add the element in first position if
they have some kind of guarantee of ordering. An exception should not
be thrown unless add(E) would also have thrown the exception."

What seems to be going on here is that people want to add generality by promoting this set of methods from ReversibleCollection up to Collection. Unfortunately, the only way to do so is to make the specification so loose that the semantics are destroyed.

Having these methods on Collection could lead to a situation where calling addFirst and then getFirst might result in getFirst returning a different element from what was passed to addFirst. This doesn't make any sense for methods that have "first" in the name.

When making this proposition, I was only thinking of how to enable new yet-nonexistent operations on collections that have order / are reversible and that the code calling these methods would already knows that it is dealing with ordered / reversible collections. I wasn't thinking about how to prevent mistakes like passing unordered collection to code that expects ordered / reversible collection. This can only be solved in two ways. The way immutability of collections is solved (throw exception in runtime when requesting operation that makes no sense in unordered collection) or by introducing new type - ReversibleCollection that solves this in compile time. So I take back my vote for suggestion to introduce methods like getFirst(), removeFirst() that would return arbitrary element. There's still a possibility for those methods to throw at runtime though. But I don't know whether this would be so nicely accepted as immutability was. WDYT?


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