On 4/27/21 9:17 AM, Anthony Vanelverdinghe wrote:
On Tuesday, April 27, 2021 11:25 CEST, Peter Levart <peter.lev...@gmail.com> 
Now just some of my thoughts about the proposal:

- SortedSet.addFirst/.addLast - I think an operation that would be used
in situations like: "I know this element should always be greater than
any existing element in the set and I will push it to the end which
should also verify my assumption" is a perfectly valid operation. So
those methods throwing IllegalStateException in case the invariant can't
be kept seem perfectly fine to me.

This was raised before and addressed by Stuart in [0]:
"An alternative as you suggest might be that SortedSet::addFirst/addLast could 
something like IllegalStateException if the element is wrongly positioned.
(Deque::addFirst/addLast will throw ISE if the addition would exceed a capacity
restriction.) This seems error-prone, though, and it's easier to understand and
specify that these methods simply throw UOE unconditionally. If there's a good 
case for the alternative I'd be interested in hearing it though."

Yes, to be clear, it was Stephen Coleborne who raised this previously [1] and it's my response that's quoted above.

Some further thoughts on this.

This is an example where, depending on the current state of the collection, the method might throw or it might succeed. This is useful in concurrent collections (such as the capacity-restricted Deque above), where the caller cannot check preconditions beforehand, because they might be out of date by the time the operation is attempted. In such cases the caller might not want to block, but instead it might catch the exception and report an error to its caller (or drop the request). Thus, calling the exception-throwing method is appropriate.

Something like SortedSet::addLast seems different, though. The state is the *values* of the elements already in the collection. This is something that can easily be checked, and probably should be checked beforehand:

    if (sortedSet.isEmpty() || sortedSet.last().compareTo(e) <= 0)
        // e wouldn't be the last element, do something different

Now this is a fair bit of code, and it would be shorter just to call sortedSet.addLast(e). But does that actually help? What if e is already in the set and is the last element? Is catching an exception really what we want to do if e wouldn't be the last element? Maybe we'd want to do nothing instead. If so, catching an exception in order to do nothing is extra work.

Again, I'd like to hear about use cases for a conditionally-throwing version of addLast et. al. I don't want to be limited by failure of imagination, but it does seem like this kind of behavior would be useful only in a narrow set of cases where it happens to do exactly the right thing. Otherwise, it just gets in the way, and its behavior is pretty obscure. So, color me skeptical.

[0] https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/core-libs-dev/2021-April/076518.html

[1] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/core-libs-dev/2021-April/076505.html

- ReversibleCollection.addFirst/.addLast are specified to have void
return type. This works for List and Deque which always add element and
so have no information to return. OTOH Collection.add is specified to
return boolean to indicate whether collection was modified or not, but
Set modifies the specification of that method a bit to be: return false
or true when Set already contained an element equal to the parameter or
not. So ReversibleCollection.addFirst/.addLast could play the same
trick. for List(s) and Deque(s) it would always return true, but for
ReversibleSet(s) it would return true only if the set didn't contain an
element equal to the parameter, so re-positioning of equal element would
return false although the collection was modified as a result.

If addFirst/addLast were to return boolean, Deque would no longer compile due 
to its existing methods being incompatible with the new ones.

Right, the current proposal copies the addX method signatures from Deque into ReversibleCollection.

I think it was Mike Duigou who said that a method that returns void is a missed opportunity. The idea is, the library probably has some useful bit of information it can return. If the caller doesn't need it, the caller can just ignore it.

On Collection::add returning a boolean, most calls to this ignore the return value, and the boolean "did this collection change as a result of this call?" is only occasionally useful. Sometimes it can be used for little tricks, such as an easy way to determine if a stream contains all unique elements:

    stream.allMatch(new HashSet<>()::add)

But really, the boolean return value doesn't seem all that useful.

Still, it could be added. The methods couldn't be called addFirst/addLast as Anthony pointed out, as this would clash with those methods already on Deque. However, Deque already contains boolean-returning offerFirst/offerLast methods! We could use those instead of addFirst/addLast, right?

Maybe. There are several different concerns here.

* Collection::add says:

"Returns true if this collection changed as a result of the call. (Returns false if this collection does not permit duplicates and already contains the specified element.)"

* Deque::add says:

"Inserts ... if it is possible to do so immediately without violating capacity restrictions, returning true upon success and throwing an IllegalStateException if no space is currently available."

* Deque::offerFirst/Last say:

"Inserts ... unless it would violate capacity restrictions. ... Returns: true if the element was added to this deque, else false"

* LinkedHashSet::offerX return value

If it's like add(), then it returns true if the element was added to the set, false if it wasn't added (even if repositioned). But Collection::add says true if this collection changed. Is repositioning a change? It isn't from the standpoint of equals(), but it is from the standpoint of ConcurrentModificationException. (At least that's true of access-ordered LinkedHashMap.)

* SortedSet::offerX return value

If it's like add(), then it returns true if the element was added to the set, false otherwise. But what about the case where the element isn't in the set, but adding it would not put it in the requested position?

- if it's added but not in the requested position, that weakens the concepts of first/last

- if it's not added and returns false, this clashes with other sets, where a false return means "not added because already in the set" but an equal element is present in the set after the call

Also, what if the element is already in the set but is in the wrong position?


The Deque class specification [2] has a nice table of the different operations, a subset of which is as follows:

             Exception       Special Value
    Insert   addFirst(e)     offerFirst(e)
    Remove   removeFirst()   pollFirst()
    Examine  getFirst()      peekFirst()

The original proposal takes the operations straight down the first column. It would be strangely inconsistent to take offerX from the second column and removeX and getX from the first column.


Using offerX certainly has the right "shape" of returning a boolean. The central question is what the boolean means. The problem is that Deque::offerX has a specific meaning that isn't operative in most collections, and we really want something more like Collection::add, but these clash. Trying to wedge in weird semantics of LinkedHashSet element reordering and SortedSet's special casing just makes things worse.

Finally, it's seems error-prone to have a conventional (i.e., non-concurrent) collection that tells you it has refused to insert an element by returning a boolean. It's too easy to ignore. Perfectly working code might silently break if the collection type is changed. (I'm reminded of various boolean-returning operations -- not queries -- on java.io.File, like delete and mkdir, which are a continual source of errors.)

I'll think about this more, but it doesn't seem promising.


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