On Tue, 2 Nov 2021 19:14:23 GMT, Pavel Rappo <pra...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Pragmatically, fix the script to ignore those keywords on comment lines.  
>> Learn Perl, its just a regular expression pattern match and replace 
>> expression.
>> All of the changes have to be manually reviewed by the author and then the 
>> reviewers.
>> Checking unneeded changes is part of every mechanical change.
>> The text being changed in the javadoc is the *spec*; that deserves special 
>> attention in review.
>> But having seen several reviewers be unmoved by the difference, the real 
>> pragmatic view
>> is to ignore the English.
>> Pragmatically, fix the script to ignore those keywords on comment lines. 
>> Learn Perl, its just a regular expression pattern match and replace 
>> expression.
> I understand in principle how to modify that script to ignore doc comments. 
> The thing I was referring to when said "btw, how would we do that?" was this: 
> not all comment lines are prose. Some of those lines belong to snippets of 
> code, which I guess you would also like to be properly formatted.
>> But having seen several reviewers be unmoved by the difference, the real 
>> pragmatic view is to ignore the English.
> I'm sorry you feel that way. Would it be okay if I made it clear that those 
> two words are not English adjectives but are special symbols that happen to 
> use Latin script and originate from the English words they resemble? If so, I 
> could enclose each of them in `{@code ... }`. If not, I could drop that 
> particular change from this PR.

The blessed-modifier-order.sh script intentionally modifies comments, with the 
hope of finding code snippets (it did!)

Probably I manually deleted the change to Object.java back in 2015, to avoid 
the sort of controversy we're seeing now.
I don't have a strong feeling either way on changing that file.

I agree with @pavelrappo  that script-generated changes should not be mixed 
with manual changes.
I would also not update copyright years for such changes.

It's a feature of blessed-modifier-order.sh that all existing formatting is 
perfectly preserved.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/6213

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