On Tue, 16 Nov 2021 13:22:46 GMT, kabutz <d...@openjdk.java.net> wrote:

> BigInteger currently uses three different algorithms for multiply. The simple 
> quadratic algorithm, then the slightly better Karatsuba if we exceed a bit 
> count and then Toom Cook 3 once we go into the several thousands of bits. 
> Since Toom Cook 3 is a recursive algorithm, it is trivial to parallelize it. 
> I have demonstrated this several times in conference talks. In order to be 
> consistent with other classes such as Arrays and Collection, I have added a 
> parallelMultiply() method. Internally we have added a parameter to the 
> private multiply method to indicate whether the calculation should be done in 
> parallel.
> The performance improvements are as should be expected. Fibonacci of 100 
> million (using a single-threaded Dijkstra's sum of squares version) completes 
> in 9.2 seconds with the parallelMultiply() vs 25.3 seconds with the 
> sequential multiply() method. This is on my 1-8-2 laptop. The final 
> multiplications are with very large numbers, which then benefit from the 
> parallelization of Toom-Cook 3. Fibonacci 100 million is a 347084 bit number.
> We have also parallelized the private square() method. Internally, the 
> square() method defaults to be sequential.
> Some benchmark results, run on my 1-6-2 server:
> Benchmark                                          (n)  Mode  Cnt      Score  
>     Error  Units
> BigIntegerParallelMultiply.multiply            1000000    ss    4     51.707 
> ±   11.194  ms/op
> BigIntegerParallelMultiply.multiply           10000000    ss    4    988.302 
> ±  235.977  ms/op
> BigIntegerParallelMultiply.multiply          100000000    ss    4  24662.063 
> ± 1123.329  ms/op
> BigIntegerParallelMultiply.parallelMultiply    1000000    ss    4     49.337 
> ±   26.611  ms/op
> BigIntegerParallelMultiply.parallelMultiply   10000000    ss    4    527.560 
> ±  268.903  ms/op
> BigIntegerParallelMultiply.parallelMultiply  100000000    ss    4   9076.551 
> ± 1899.444  ms/op
> We can see that for larger calculations (fib 100m), the execution is 2.7x 
> faster in parallel. For medium size (fib 10m) it is 1.873x faster. And for 
> small (fib 1m) it is roughly the same. Considering that the fibonacci 
> algorithm that we used was in itself sequential, and that the last 3 
> calculations would dominate, 2.7x faster should probably be considered quite 
> good on a 1-6-2 machine.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 83ffbd2e
Author:    Dr Heinz M. Kabutz <he...@javaspecialists.eu>
Committer: Paul Sandoz <psan...@openjdk.org>
Stats:     601 lines in 4 files changed: 582 ins; 0 del; 19 mod

8277175: Add a parallel multiply method to BigInteger

Reviewed-by: psandoz


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/6409

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