On Wed, 27 Apr 2022 03:11:58 GMT, liach <d...@openjdk.java.net> wrote:

>> Basic but fairly comprehensive set of tests for `IdentityHashMap`. The patch 
>> in the bug report that breaks `IdentityHashMap` now causes several cases in 
>> this new test to fail. There's more that could be done, but the new tests 
>> cover most of the core functions of `IdentityHashMap`. Unfortunately it 
>> seems difficult to merge this with the existing, comprehensive Collections 
>> tests (e.g., MOAT.java) because those tests implicity rely on 
>> `equals()`-based contract instead of the special-purpose `==`-based contract 
>> used by `IdentityHashMap`.
> test/jdk/java/util/IdentityHashMap/Basic.java line 75:
>> 73:     private <E> void checkContents(Collection<E> c, BiPredicate<E,E> p, 
>> E... given) {
>> 74:         @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
>> 75:         E[] contents = (E[]) c.toArray();
> Maybe worthy to note that entry set toArray may return entries different from 
> what the iterator returns, and some predicates may thus fail.

Yeah I could add a note to caution against checking identity of `Entry` 
instances. That doesn't occur anywhere in these tests, does it?

> test/jdk/java/util/IdentityHashMap/Basic.java line 77:
>> 75:         E[] contents = (E[]) c.toArray();
>> 76: 
>> 77:         assertEquals(c.size(), given.length);
> I believe testng has the expected values in front in the `assertEquals` 
> methods, as embodied in the exception messages, so this should be 
> `assertEquals(given.length, c.size());`. Applies to other places.

No, TestNG is `assertEquals(actual, expected)` which is irritatingly the 
opposite of JUnit.


This will make things quite tedious when/if we convert to JUnit.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/8354

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