On 04/08/2022 20:35, Holo The Sage Wolf wrote:

Some implementations of |Collection| that will always fail, some will always succeed, and some implementations (like |HashSet|) may be non-deterministic. For the uninformed this method makes sense, for each |PartitiableAction| I create some kind of a new “|Executor|“ that everyone is talking about, if one of the parts fails, the whole calculation of this specific |PartitiableAction| will stop running, and I am waiting for everything to end.

You may be right that someone may choose to ignore the javadoc, the examples, and the recommendation to use try-with-resources but that isn't a slam dunk argument for changing that API to use lambda expressions and all the usability issues that it would bring.  The example is a bit strange, it seems to assume that any action can process any input. Also the iteration order of "actions" can be deterministic and it will still fail because it will attempt to close the scopes in iteration order when it should be closing them in reverse iteration order. So you should see an exception at runtime if actions contains more than one element.

In any case, I think this is just another reminder that having language support that would somehow enforce the use of try-with-resources would be very helpful here.


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