On Tue, 28 Feb 2023 17:10:51 GMT, Brian Burkhalter <b...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> src/jdk.unsupported/share/classes/com/sun/nio/file/SensitivityWatchEventModifier.java
>>  line 40:
>>> 38:  * {@code WatchService} is used only on macOS and likely to be removed
>>> 39:  * in a future release when a version based on the native file event
>>> 40:  * notification facility becomes available.
>> I agree it's time to deprecate this extension but I think the reasoning will 
>> need a few rounds to get right. As background, JDK-8285956 changed the 
>> default sensitivity from medium to high in JDK 19 so the need to bump the 
>> sensitivity level (and thus reducing the polling interval) has mostly gone 
>> away. So maybe we should thinking about changing PollingWatchService it to 
>> ignore the these modifiers (like it is done with the native 
>> implementations). If we did that then it would be easy to word the 
>> deprecation text as it could just say that the modifier originally provided 
>> a hint to polling based WatchService implementations but is no longer used.
> Should the suggested change to PollingWatchService be addressed in the 
> context of this PR or separately?

JDK-8303413 was created to track this change (#12795).


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/12746

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