On Mon, 27 Feb 2023 11:33:38 GMT, Andrey Turbanov <aturba...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> `LinkedList` is used as a field 
> `jdk.tools.jimage.JImageTask.OptionsValues#jimages`
> It's created, filled (with `add`) and then iterated. No removes from the head 
> or something like this. `ArrayList` should be preferred as more efficient and 
> widely used (more chances for JIT) collection.

I should have expounded on the rationale for making only changes that are worth 
the time of the author and the reviewers.
Stuart filled more of the reasons I was thinking in my terse comment.
For this PR, go ahead and integrate, since we've already spent the budget for 
reviewing it.
In choosing how you spend your time, make your efforts and the efforts of the 
reviewers count for something.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/12760

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