On Tue, 28 Mar 2023 14:00:41 GMT, Jorn Vernee <jver...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> But this doesn't implement the same ClassValue cache? And spinning byte code 
> can indeed be slow (I've seen this in other profiles).


I attempted to spin one class for each mh+interface combination again. The 
creation time is 
 compared to the no-template version, but the creation time is still [very long 
(factor of 
 compared to the passing to instance approach.

I think we need to determine our approach based on the call patterns of this 
1. how often asInterfaceInstance is called with the same interface
2. how often asInterfaceInstance is called vs. how often the implementations 
are called

In addition, we might write a benchmark for fresh creation performance as well 
(as Proxy does class caching, and LambdaMetafactory also caches class in 
CallSite). I don't think that asInterfaceInstance class spinning is much slower 
than metafactory.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13197#issuecomment-1487412044

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