On Thu, 13 Apr 2023 10:59:46 GMT, ExE Boss <d...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Hi Christian,
>> Thanks for the comment.
>> First, the "Dumbest possible strategy" comment should be interpreted as "we 
>> would like to do something better", not that using something slow is OK 
>> permanently. There's an attempt to do performance improvements here:
>> https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/9779
>> Talking of `enumSwitch` for now (some more on `typeSwitch` later), one thing 
>> what I would like allow for the long(er) term are fast(er) implementations. 
>> If we just used `String` comparison, it would be extremely difficult to get 
>> a really good performance, even for cases where e.g. all the input values 
>> are enum constants, where the method can be reduced to a map lookup (as 9779 
>> does).
>> I think we could probably still avoid the "eager" class initialization, at 
>> the cost of using the `MutableCallSite` - first, we would produce a 
>> temporary MethodHandle, and on the first non-`null` call (when the class 
>> apparently must be initialized), we would produce the real (possibly 
>> optimized) MethodHandle.
>> I suspect (although I may be wrong) that the eager systems may not be able 
>> to work with such a call site, but those should be able to replace the 
>> bootstrap with a custom static version without changing the semantics in any 
>> way.
>> A slightly bigger problem is `typeSwitch`: a new feature is that enum 
>> constants can be part of any pattern matching switch. Like:
>> enum E {A}
>> ...
>> Object o = ...;
>> switch (o) {
>>     case E.A -> ...
>>     ...
>> }
>> For this, even `typeSwitch` permits enum constants now, and 
>> `java.lang.invoke.ConstantBootstraps.enumConstant` is used for that 
>> currently. We would probably need a wrapper to describe the enum constant 
>> that could be used by `typeSwitch` to avoid initialization (+the 
>> `MutableCallSite`, of course).
> Note that currently, a `switch` over an enum will already trigger 
> initialisation of the enum class because of the need to compute the relevant 
> mapping array by the synthetic helper class, see [JDK‑7176515] for details.
> - https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/10797
> [JDK‑7176515]: https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-7176515 "[JDK‑7176515] 
> ExceptionInInitializerError for an enum with multiple switch statements"

FWIW, a sketch on how avoiding the enum initialization might look like is here:

more work needed to make that work for `typeSwitch`, and to combine that with 


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13074#discussion_r1165427916

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