On Thu, 25 May 2023 15:31:43 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore <mcimadam...@openjdk.org> 

>> As the FFM API evolved over time, some parts of the javadoc went out of 
>> sync. Now that most of the API is stable, it is a good time to look again at 
>> the javadoc as a whole, and bring some more consistency.
>> While most of the changes in this PR are stylistic, I'd like to call out few 
>> things which resulted in API changes:
>> * `MemorySegment::asSlice(long, long, long)` did not (incorrectly) specified 
>> requirement that its alignment parameter must be a power of two.
>> * `MemoryLayout::sliceHandle` did not require the absence of dereference 
>> paths in the provided layout path. While that is technically possible to 
>> allow, currently the method is specified as returning a "slice" 
>> corresponding to some "nested layout", so following pointers seems 
>> incompatible with the spec. I have decided to disallow for now - we can 
>> always compatibly enable it later, if required.
>> * `MemorySegment::copy` - most of the overloads did not specify that 
>> `UnsupportedOperationException` is thrown if the destination segment is 
>> read-only.
>> * In several places, an extra `@throws IllegalArgumentException` or `@throws 
>> IllegalArgumentException` has been added to capture cases where element size 
>> * index computation can overflow. This is true for all the element-wise 
>> segment copy methods, for the indexed accessors in memory segment (e.g. 
>> `MemorySegment.getAtIndex(ValueLayout.OfInt, long)`), as well as for 
>> `SegmentAllocator::allocateArray(MemoryLayout, long)`.
>> In all these cases (except for overflows), new tests have been added to 
>> cover the additional API changes (a CSR will also be filed to cover these).
>> The class with most changes is `MemoryLayout`. I realized that the javadoc 
>> there was a bit sloppy around the definition of "layout paths". Now there 
>> are several subsection in the class javadoc, which explain how different 
>> kinds of paths can be used. I have introduced the notion of "open path 
>> elements" to denote those path elements that are not fully specified, and 
>> result in additional var handle coordinates to be added. There is also now a 
>> definition of what it means for a layout path to be "well-formed", so that 
>> all methods accepting a layout path can simply refer to it (this definition 
>> is tricky to give inline in the javadoc of the various path-accepting 
>> methods, as it depends on many factors).
>> Another biggie change was in `MemorySegment` as now all dereference methods 
>> state precisely their spatial checks requirements, as well also specifying 
>> when the API can th...
> Maurizio Cimadamore has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
> additional commit since the last revision:
>   Tweak javadoc of MemorySegment::get/setUtf8String to deal with overflow

I brought over some javadoc improvements from 
https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/14037 (which has been withdrawn). These 
improvements should allow us to enable support for Linker in x86 platforms, as 
they define the notion of "what is a linker supported layout" much more 
precisely, and in a way that is not dependent on natural alignment (for value 


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/14098#issuecomment-1564747719

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