On Wed, 31 May 2023 00:48:18 GMT, Mandy Chung <mch...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> Is it more straight-forward to keep a `ClassValue<Boolean>` and each 
>>> wrapper instance class has an entry of `TRUE` value; otherwise, `FALSE`?
>> Then we still need to obtain the implemented interface and original method 
>> handle information every time they are queried. Having these information (or 
>> the method handle providing access) computed early is more convenient.
>>> If we can avoid implementing sun.invoke.WrapperInstance, this package 
>>> access check issue would go away. Do you think you can look into it?
>> Apparently, calling utility methods from `sun.invoke`, like the 
>> `ensureOriginalLookup` in this patch, also triggers this check. However, I 
>> still think removing the `WrapperInstance` supertype is better, as this 
>> makes the code cleaner in reflection.
>> Apparently, calling utility methods from sun.invoke, like the 
>> ensureOriginalLookup in this patch, also triggers this check. 
> It should not trigger `checkPackageAccess` if it does not implement the 
> interface AFAICT.
> It would trigger module-access check.  `java.base` can export `sun.invoke` to 
> the dynamic module (it may be worth considering putting the internal 
> interface in a specific package for the dynamic module' use - `sun.invoke` is 
> ok since it currently has one interface but hard to catch when someone adds a 
> new class/interface in `sun.invoke` unintentionally and leak out sensitive 
> API.

> Then we still need to obtain the implemented interface and original method 
> handle information every time they are queried. Having these information (or 
> the method handle providing access) computed early is more convenient.

I was thinking the wrapper instance class still implements some private methods 
to get the implemented interface and original method handle which can be 
accessed only `java.base` via deep reflection.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13197#discussion_r1210972245

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