On Sun, 17 Sep 2023 16:01:33 GMT, 温绍锦 <d...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> @cl4es made performance optimizations for the simple specifiers of 
> String.format in PR https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/2830. Based on the 
> same idea, I continued to make improvements. I made patterns like %2d %02d 
> also be optimized.
> The following are the test results based on MacBookPro M1 Pro: 
> -Benchmark                          Mode  Cnt     Score     Error  Units
> -StringFormat.complexFormat         avgt   15  1862.233 ? 217.479  ns/op
> -StringFormat.int02Format           avgt   15   312.491 ?  26.021  ns/op
> -StringFormat.intFormat             avgt   15    84.432 ?   4.145  ns/op
> -StringFormat.longFormat            avgt   15    87.330 ?   6.111  ns/op
> -StringFormat.stringFormat          avgt   15    63.985 ?  11.366  ns/op
> -StringFormat.stringIntFormat       avgt   15    87.422 ?   0.147  ns/op
> -StringFormat.widthStringFormat     avgt   15   250.740 ?  32.639  ns/op
> -StringFormat.widthStringIntFormat  avgt   15   312.474 ?  16.309  ns/op
> +Benchmark                          Mode  Cnt    Score    Error  Units
> +StringFormat.complexFormat         avgt   15  740.626 ? 66.671  ns/op 
> (+151.45)
> +StringFormat.int02Format           avgt   15  131.049 ?  0.432  ns/op 
> (+138.46)
> +StringFormat.intFormat             avgt   15   67.229 ?  4.155  ns/op 
> (+25.59)
> +StringFormat.longFormat            avgt   15   66.444 ?  0.614  ns/op 
> (+31.44)
> +StringFormat.stringFormat          avgt   15   62.619 ?  4.652  ns/op (+2.19)
> +StringFormat.stringIntFormat       avgt   15   89.606 ? 13.966  ns/op (-2.44)
> +StringFormat.widthStringFormat     avgt   15   52.462 ? 15.649  ns/op 
> (+377.95)
> +StringFormat.widthStringIntFormat  avgt   15  101.814 ?  3.147  ns/op 
> (+206.91)

I enhanced parse fast-path to support more specifiers, including:

% flag_1 width_1
% flag_2
% width_2
% width_1 . precesion_1

now benchmark on macbook m1 pro result is:

-Benchmark                           Mode  Cnt     Score     Error  Units 
-StringFormat.complexFormat          avgt   15  2049.387 ? 121.539  ns/op
-StringFormat.flags2Format           avgt   15   430.964 ?   2.414  ns/op
-StringFormat.flagsFormat            avgt   15   257.851 ?  23.833  ns/op
-StringFormat.stringFormat           avgt   15    63.564 ?  10.490  ns/op
-StringFormat.stringIntFormat        avgt   15    88.111 ?   0.678  ns/op
-StringFormat.width2Format           avgt   15   349.304 ?  31.349  ns/op
-StringFormat.width2PrecisionFormat  avgt   15   464.621 ?  53.918  ns/op
-StringFormat.widthFormat            avgt   15   301.997 ?  34.974  ns/op
-StringFormat.widthPrecisionFormat   avgt   15   484.526 ?  38.098  ns/op
-StringFormat.widthStringFormat      avgt   15   235.421 ?  32.955  ns/op
-StringFormat.widthStringIntFormat   avgt   15   315.178 ?  15.154  ns/op

+Benchmark                           Mode  Cnt    Score    Error  Units
+StringFormat.complexFormat          avgt   15  702.407 ? 85.481  ns/op 
+StringFormat.flags2Format           avgt   15  329.551 ?  1.610  ns/op (+30.78)
+StringFormat.flagsFormat            avgt   15  125.798 ?  1.109  ns/op 
+StringFormat.stringFormat           avgt   15   60.029 ?  6.275  ns/op (+5.89)
+StringFormat.stringIntFormat        avgt   15   89.020 ?  0.575  ns/op (-1.03)
+StringFormat.width2Format           avgt   15  135.743 ?  0.643  ns/op 
+StringFormat.width2PrecisionFormat  avgt   15  351.408 ? 21.031  ns/op (+32.22)
+StringFormat.widthFormat            avgt   15  208.843 ? 47.504  ns/op (+44.61)
+StringFormat.widthPrecisionFormat   avgt   15  354.375 ? 67.314  ns/op (+36.73)
+StringFormat.widthStringFormat      avgt   15   74.846 ? 19.604  ns/op 
+StringFormat.widthStringIntFormat   avgt   15  101.638 ?  0.961  ns/op 

> I was worried this would sprawl out more, but perhaps ~230 lines of code is a 
> reasonable extra weight to make the long tail of `String.format`'s regex-free.
> I was going to comment that the flag parsing was broken in 
> [f303f29](https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/commit/f303f2959d108d993dc03e86a27ef42bb892647f)
>  but it seems that it was fixed in the latest. I think we need to make a 
> review pass over all existing tests to make sure all imaginable variants are 
> covered.
> The parser code also ought to be shared between `Formatter` and 
> `FormatProcessor` so that there's a single source of truth going forward.

The codes of Formatter and FormatProcessor have been regex-free. There are many 
changes and require more detailed review.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/15776#issuecomment-1723733247
PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/15776#issuecomment-1730164585

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