On Tue, 19 Sep 2023 16:27:50 GMT, Roger Riggs <rri...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Lots of adhoc changes bulk up the source and make it less maintainable. Given 
> the common element of time and date formatting strings as a domain specific 
> language, there would be more benefit to leveraging one of several existing 
> mechanisms to generate optimized formatters from application or library 
> format strings. For example, the general purpose [JEP 430: String 
> Template](https://openjdk.org/jeps/430)s could be used to compose the string 
> and leverage its optimizations of formatting the components. Making 
> improvements there either to performance or functionality would benefit more 
> applications.
> This also applies to [PR#15722](https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/15722).

I submitted PR #15776 (Regex-free parsing of Formatter and FormatProcessor 
specifiers) to optimize the parse performance of String.format and 
StringFormatter. I submitted another PR #15699, the refactored code is related 
to String Template. 
After these two PRs are completed, I will continue to optimize 
java.util.Formatter.print and improve the performance of String.format and 

However, String.format and StringTemplate are different scenarios from this PR 
and PR#15722. Date/LocalDateTime/Instant#toString and DateTimeFormatter#format 
are very widely used, more widely used than 
String.format(Date/LocalDateTme/Instant). These Usage scenarios usually don't 
use String.format and StringTemplate instead.

The performance of using String.format and StringTemplate is not as good as 
using formatter and toString directly.

If you feel that the maintainability of these codes is not good enough, for 
example, we should reduce the use of ByteArrayLittleEndian, I can continue to 
improve these.

Because Date/LocalDateTime/Instant#toString and DateTimeFormatter#format are so 
widely used, I have also seen these methods taking a lot of time in flame 
graphs in business systems. I submitted this PR based on my business system 
optimization experience, so The optimization will directly improve the 
performance of the business system in certain scenarios.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/15658#issuecomment-1732518234

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