On Mon, 2 Oct 2023 08:34:19 GMT, Adam Sotona <asot...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Classfile API is an internal library under package `jdk.internal.classfile` 
>> in JDK 21.
>> This pull request turns the Classfile API into a preview feature and moves 
>> it into `java.lang.classfile`.
>> It repackages all uses across JDK and tests and adds lots of missing Javadoc.
>> This PR goes in sync with 
>> [JDK-8308754](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8308754): Class-File API 
>> (Preview) (CSR)
>> and [JDK-8280389](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8280389): Class-File 
>> API (Preview) (JEP).
>> Online javadoc is available at: 
>> https://cr.openjdk.org/~asotona/JDK-8308753-preview/api/java.base/java/lang/classfile/package-summary.html
>> In addition to the primary transition to preview, this pull request also 
>> includes:
>> - All Classfile* classes ranamed to ClassFile* (based on JEP discussion).
>> - A new preview feature, `CLASSFILE_API`, has been added.
>> - Buildsystem tool required a little patch to support annotated modules.
>> - All JDK modules using the Classfile API are newly participating in the 
>> preview.
>> - All tests that use the Classfile API now have preview enabled.
>> - A few Javac tests not allowing preview have been partially reverted; their 
>> conversion can be re-applied when the Classfile API leaves preview mode.
>> Despite the number of affected files, this pull request is relatively 
>> straight-forward. The preview version of the Classfile API is based on the 
>> internal version of the library from the JDK master branch, and there are no 
>> API features added.
>> Please review this pull request to help the Classfile API turn into a 
>> preview.
>> Any comments are welcome.
>> Thanks,
>> Adam
> Adam Sotona has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   fixed javadoc typo

line 310:

> 308:          * @param implClasses the implementation classes
> 309:          * @return this builder
> 310:          * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code service} or any of 
> the {@code implClasses} represents a primitive type

Javadoc tip (not that you should use that here) - if the thrown clause becomes 
too complex, you can also split it into multiple `throws 
IllegalArgumentException`. Sometimes that can improve readability.

 line 75:

> 73:      *  The value of the resolution_flags item is a mask of flags used to 
> denote
> 74:      *  properties of module resolution. The flags are as follows:
> 75:      * <pre> {@code

Why not a snippet?


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/15706#discussion_r1342702250
PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/15706#discussion_r1342703022

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