Should we allow use Unsafe or ByteArrayLittleEndian for trivial byte[] writes 
in core-libs?
There is already code that uses ByteArrayLittleEndian to improve performance, 
such as:
package java.util;
class UUID {
public String toString() {
// ...
 HexDigits.packDigits(((int) msb) >> 24, ((int) msb) >> 16));
 // ...
There are examples of using ByteArrayLittleEndian and then removing it because 
it caused the JVM to start slowly (we can use Unsafe.putShortUnaligned to solve 
the problem of slow JVM startup)
package java.lang;
class StringLatin1 {
 private static void writeDigitPair(byte[] buf, int charPos, int value) {
 short pair = DecimalDigits.digitPair(value);
 // UNSAFE.putShortUnaligned(buf, ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + charPos, pair);
 buf[charPos] = (byte)(pair);
 buf[charPos + 1] = (byte)(pair >> 8);
Here is an example in the PR Review is disagreeing with the use of 
< >
package java.util;
class HexFormat {
String formatOptDelimiter(byte[] bytes, int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
 // ...
 short pair = HexDigits.digitPair(bytes[fromIndex + i], ucase);
 int pos = i * 2;
 rep[pos] = (byte)pair;
 rep[pos + 1] = (byte)(pair >>> 8);
 // ByteArrayLittleEndian.setShort(rep, pos, pair);
This is another example of PR Review disagreeing with the use of 
< >
package java.lang;
class AbstractStringBuilder {
static final class Constants {
 static final int NULL_LATIN1;
 static final int NULL_UTF16;
 static {
 byte[] bytes4 = new byte[] {'t', 'r', 'u', 'e'};
 byte[] bytes8 = new byte[8];
 NULL_LATIN1 = ByteArrayLittleEndian.getInt(bytes4, 0);
 StringLatin1.inflate(bytes4, 0, bytes8, 0, 4);
 NULL_UTF16 = ByteArrayLittleEndian.getLong(bytes8, 0);
 private AbstractStringBuilder appendNull() {
 ensureCapacityInternal(count + 4);
 int count = this.count;
 byte[] val = this.value;
 if (isLatin1()) {
 ByteArrayLittleEndian.setInt(val, count, Constants.NULL_LATIN1);
 } else {
 ByteArrayLittleEndian.setLong(val, count << 1, Constants.NULL_UTF16);
 this.count = count + 4;
 return this;
In these examples, using Unsafe/ByteArrayLittleEndian significantly improves 
performance. If JIT automatic optimization is the best solution, but SuperWord 
Level Parallelism (SLP) does not currently support this optimization, what are 
our recommendations? What scenarios cannot use Unsafe, and what scenarios 
cannot use ByteArrayLittleEndian?

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