On Mon, 18 Sep 2023 02:59:06 GMT, Shaojin Wen <d...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> The change code of print fast-path has been deleted, and parse fast-path has 
>> added support for the pattern "%8.3f".
>> Where to draw the line of parse fast-path? I have seen patterns that cause 
>> performance problems, and they can be easily implemented, so I added them.
> Now parse fast-path supports "8.3f", but not "10.3". Because the fast-path 
> method code size should be less than 325, for JIT inline

What I meant is that theoretically we *could* drop the regex code entirely and 
write a custom parser that specializes every formatter, but that we probably 
*shouldn't* as this means duplicating a lot of code and we'd likely end up 
having to maintain both. Exactly which patterns to specialize for is an open 
question. `"%8.3f"` is common, sure, but so are specifiers like `"%-6d"`. I 
think it'd be good if we could collect some stats on which specifier patterns 
are the most common rather than just picking a few at random. 

I see you added a microbenchmark for yet another happy case, which sort of 
misses my point about setting micros up to explore the boundaries: the set of 
microbenchmarks should ideally explore and verify both fast-paths and 
slow-paths, to show that the benefit of the former is significant while the 
overhead added to the slow-path is negligible. Adding a `floatFormat2` that 
does `return "%1.12f".formatted...`, as an example: 

Name                      Cnt    Base   Error     Test   Error  Unit   Diff%
StringFormat.floatFormat   15 316,133 ± 7,890  170,958 ± 8,231 ns/op   45,9% (p 
= 0,000*)
StringFormat.floatFormat2  15 342,767 ± 4,721  343,748 ± 3,753 ns/op   -0,3% (p 
= 0,506 )
  * = significant

This verifies that the added overhead is in the noise when the fast-path fail 
on this test.

We don't need to cover every possibility and have an ever-growing set of micros 
that all just test the fast-path, so I think you can remove the additions and 
instead adjust one or two of the existing microbenchmarks so that it verifies 
the slow-path with your PR applied.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/15776#discussion_r1328460325

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