On Fri, 3 Nov 2023 23:22:27 GMT, Claes Redestad <redes...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> https://github.com/cassioneri/eaf suggest this code for leap year 
>> calculation:
>>     public static boolean isLeap(long year) {
>>         int d = year % 100 != 0 ? 4 : 16;
>>         return (year & (d - 1)) == 0;
>>     }
>> .. with a claim this would compile down to branchless, easily pipelined code.
>> This doesn't currently happen with C2. In the meantime I think we can 
>> improve the current code in `Year.isLeap` and `IsoChronology.isLeapYear` by 
>> leveraging the fact that the `% 100` check is only needed if `(year & 15) != 
>> 0`:
>>     public static boolean isLeap(long year) {
>>         return (year & 15) == 0 ? (year & 3) == 0 : (year & 3) == 0 && year 
>> % 100 != 0;
>>     }
>> Mac M1:
>> Name                           Cnt  Base   Error   Test   Error   Unit  
>> Change
>> LeapYearBench.isLeapYear        15 0,743 ± 0,009  0,994 ± 0,005 ops/us   
>> 1,34x (p = 0,000*)
>> LeapYearBench.isLeapYearChrono  15 0,748 ± 0,006  0,991 ± 0,003 ops/us   
>> 1,32x (p = 0,000*)
>> LeapYearBench.isLeapYearNS      15 0,558 ± 0,026  0,552 ± 0,033 ops/us   
>> 0,99x (p = 0,602 )
>>   * = significant
>> Linux x64:
>> Name                           Cnt  Base   Error   Test   Error   Unit  
>> Change
>> LeapYearBench.isLeapYear        15 0.534 ± 0.001  0.765 ± 0.004 ops/us   
>> 1.43x (p = 0.000*)
>> LeapYearBench.isLeapYearChrono  15 0.535 ± 0.000  0.753 ± 0.040 ops/us   
>> 1.41x (p = 0.000*)
>> LeapYearBench.isLeapYearNS      15 0.352 ± 0.000  0.351 ± 0.001 ops/us   
>> 1.00x (p = 0.000*)
>>   * = significant
>> 30% higher throughput on M1, 40% on x64. `isLeapYearNS` runs a variant of 
>> the code from https://github.com/cassioneri/eaf ported to java - perhaps the 
>> JIT can be improved to do whatever clang/gcc does here and achieve an even 
>> better speed-up.
>> Testing: so far only java/time/tck/java/time locally, will run a few tiers 
>> before filing an enhancement and opening the PR for review.
> Claes Redestad has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
> commit since the last revision:
>   Apply similar optimization to GregorianCalendar, sun.util.calendar

Thanks for your interest in my work. I'd love to assist porting our algorithms 
to Java. Notice, however, that I'm not a Java programmer and I don't have the 
complete picture of what goes on in the JVM. What follows is based on my 
experience with C/C++ compilers but, I reckon, most of it might apply to Java 
as well.

When determining if `year` is leap or not it's very reasonable to believe that 
checking divisibility by 4 first is the best strategy. As I told in [my 
talk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0s9F4QWAl-E), virtually every 
implementation that I found made that assumption. However, this is not the case 
thanks to modern branch predictors, at least for x86_64 CPUs. My experiments 
showed that checking divisibility by 100 first is the best way:

    if (year % 100 != 0)
      return year % 4 == 0;
    return year % 400 == 0;

Maths results show that, in calculations of leap year, it's correct to replace 
`year % 400 == 0` by the cheaper expression `y % 16 == 0`. Except for [compiler 
bugs](https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50334), this should always be done. 
Hence, the implementation that @cl4es  mentioned:

    public static boolean isLeap(long year) {
        int d = year % 100 != 0 ? 4 : 16;
        return (year & (d - 1)) == 0;

In my talk I also said that I did other optimisations around `year % 100 == 0` 
but that was another story. Let me tell this story.

Similar mathematical arguments as above show that it's also correct to replace 
`year % 100 == 0` with `year % 25 == 0` and [the latter requires one fewer 
assembly instruction](https://godbolt.org/z/zKza1Yc83). (I've also discussed 
this topic in a 
 for the Rust implementation.) However, contrary to the case of 400-and-16, 
it's not always profitable to replace `year % 100 == 0` with `year % 25 == 0`. 
It depends on whether the code executed by the CPU contains branches or not. 
(Despite the usage of the ternary operator `?`, some CPUs support conditional 
moves which allow the elimination of some branches.)

If there's no branch, then this is probably be the best option:

    public static boolean is_leap_v0(long year) {
      int d = year % 25 != 0 ? 4 : 16;
      return (year & (d - 1)) == 0;

If there's a branch, then I'd expect this to perform better:

    public static boolean is_leap_v0(long year) {
      int d = year % 100 != 0 ? 4 : 16;
      return (year & (d - 1)) == 0;

The reason is hinted in my talk: If there's a branch, the branch predictor can 
do a better job when execution is split into paths with (1/100, 99/100) = (1%, 
99%) probability distribution than when the distribution is (1/25, 24/25) = 
(4%, 96%).

[Looking at byte-code](https://godbolt.org/z/MEq9c5hef) for the 4 different 
implementations floated in this discussion, I see some `goto`s but I can't tell 
if, in assembly, they translate to branches or conditional moves. With more 
knowledgeable eyes, the [C versions](https://godbolt.org/z/xTGKh5x4h) of the 
same implementations suggest me that the branchless `is_leap_v0` is the best. 
But, I ask you, to not trust in my eyes or my intuition and, instead, measure 
the performance of the several alternatives. This old [SO 
post](https://stackoverflow.com/a/60646967/1137388) might also be helpful.

I can also shed some light on the magical numbers that appear in the code that 
check divisibility by 100 and 25 by pointing to my series of article  on this 

* Quick Modular Calculations (Part 1) 
* Quick Modular Calculations (Part 2) 
* Quick Modular Calculations (Part 3) 

I hope this helps.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/16491#issuecomment-1793544215

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