On Sat, 16 Dec 2023 17:25:20 GMT, Alan Bateman <al...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> A lot of test changes have accumulated in the loom repo, this includes both 
> new tests and updates to existing tests. Some of these updates can be brought 
> to the main line. This update brings over:
> - The existing tests for pinning use synchronized blocks. In preparation for 
> changes to allow carrier thread be released when a virtual thread parks 
> holding a monitor or blocks on monitorenter, these tests are changed to pin 
> by having a native frame on the stack. This part includes test infrastructure 
> to make it easy to add more tests that do operations while pinned. The tests 
> still test what they were originally created to test of course.
> - The test for the JFR jdk.VirtualThreadPinned event is refactored to allow 
> for additional cases where the event may be reported.
> - ThreadAPI is expanded to cover test for uncaught exception handling.
> - GetStackTraceWhenRunnable is refactored to not use a Selector, otherwise 
> this test will be invalidated when blocking selection operations release the 
> carrier.
> - StressStackOverflow is dialed down to run for 1m instead of 2mins.
> - The use of CountDownLatch in a number of tests that poll thread state has 
> been dropped to keep the tests as simple as possible.

Can you explain your motivation for using AtomicBoolean with a polling loop 
rather than CountDownLatch(1)? I'm working on a test where I just added a 
CountDownLatch(1) and am wondering if I should do the same, but I'm not sure if 
there is something about these tests that is motivating the change.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/17136#issuecomment-1861578806

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