Would be helpful to point to the posix standard/requirement which mandates 
this. Do you mean a single Unix api description or a posix command spec? I 
don’t think I know of any such things.

Wikipedia claims A POSIX-conforming variant of inet_aton, the inet_pton() 
function, supports only the four-decimal variant of IP addresses.[10]

And can you also justify a bit more who needs that octal compatibility? Over 
the years a lot of confusion (zero padding) and security issues (csrf filters 
not catching all formats) have been found, so it’s really not a good idea to 
implement it for no good reason. I think this was also the conclusion for the 
ofLiteral() api. 

Sergey Chernyshev wrote on 26. Mar 2024 17:51 (GMT +01:00):

> Hello Core Libs Dev team,
> I would like to propose a PR to extend the InetAddress API in JDK 23, 

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