On Tue, 9 Apr 2024 22:02:56 GMT, xxDark <d...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> This does not solve the problem though. Source compatibility would still be 
> broken as one would still need to add casts everywhere, or am I 
> misinterpreting something?

The code you have provided in example is still valid and non-ambigous, even 
without cast. The default behaviour of java compiler is to choose method where 
parameter at corresponding position is closest type upwards in class hierarchy. 
null is considered "bottom" type, which means it is at the bottom of 
simultaneously every class hierarchy. Compiler looks upward in class hierarchy 
and first class it encounters is Predicate, as Object is superclass of 
Predicate, and chooses indexOf(Predicate) as method to invoke. When casting 
null to type, compiler treats null as object of casted type rather then bottom 
type. However, if changes are delivered as is, default behaviour of 
indexOf(null) will be changed, which is not desired, of course, and, although 
delegation to indexOf(Object) in case of null as passed value is 
counterintuitive, it will preserve the current state of things.

> See 
> [this](https://github.com/search?q=%22indexOf%28null%29%22+language%3AJava+&type=code)
>  and 
> [that](https://github.com/search?q=%22lastIndexOf%28null%29%22+language%3AJava+&type=code)
>  query.

Thats a valid point, haven`t though about qurying where null is valid value.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/18639#issuecomment-2046174903

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