On Fri, 26 Apr 2024 14:52:08 GMT, Chen Liang <li...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> > We will effectively enforce javadoc comment for some method overrides with 
> > the checker
> Those overriding methods don't even appear on the javadoc output. If you go 
> to search for `CompletableFuture.resultNow` on 
> https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/22/docs/api/ you will find nothing. 
> Why are we fixing "broken since tags" that don't even exist in the first 
> place?
> Also have you looked at the output documentation? Without the `@inheritDoc` 
> tags the content will only have a since tag, which is definitely wrong.

For overriding methods we don't look into the supertype because that's what 
`javadoc` (the tool) is doing, `javadoc` doesn't look into the supertype and 
has no special handling or support for `@since` tags in inherited methods.
If `javadoc` changes how it deals with method overriding in the future we will 
match it's behavior and look into the supertype for overriding methods.
What is important is that we have to match the rules used in `javadoc`.
You can't have both, either you add explicit javadoc comments to these methods 
or use rules that go against the current behavior or `javadoc`


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/18954#issuecomment-2080445939

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