On Tue, 14 May 2024 07:14:09 GMT, Thomas Stuefe <stu...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> but it does not state explicitly that an exception is thrown on every error, 
> or whether there are cases where the API can return NULL but not throw an 
> exception, or vice versa.
> So, I'd check for both. Or, if we think that both should not happen or happen 
> together, assert that. (we can use the standard C assert in the JDK 
> libraries, no?)

This same issue comes up periodically and maybe the JNI spec needs improvement 
to make it clearer that returning NULL means there is a pending 
exception/error. JNI would be very broken if it were to return a jclass or ID 
and also raise an exception, or return NULL rather than a jclass or ID when it 

As you say, it's not wrong to check both, just a bit strange as they can be 
just checks for NULL. At some point I think we need to do a round of cleanup 
here as these macros can mask other issues.

It's not wrong to first check for a first exception, just a bit strange and not 
immediately clear what issues they may be masking.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/18786#issuecomment-2109495552

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