On Fri, 1 Sep 2023 15:13:46 GMT, Martin Balao <mba...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> In addition to the goals, scope, motivation, specification and requirement 
> notes in [JDK-8315487](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8315487), we would 
> like to describe the most relevant decisions taken during the implementation 
> of this enhancement. These notes are organized by feature, may encompass more 
> than one file or code segment, and are aimed to provide a high-level view of 
> this PR.
> ## ProvidersFilter
> ### Filter construction (parser)
> The providers filter is constructed from a string value, taken from either a 
> system or a security property with name "jdk.security.providers.filter". This 
> process occurs at sun.security.jca.ProvidersFilter class —simply referred as 
> ProvidersFilter onward— static initialization. Thus, changes to the filter's 
> overridable property are not effective afterwards and no assumptions should 
> be made regarding when this class gets initialized.
> The filter's string value is processed with a custom parser of order 'n', 
> being 'n' the number of characters. The parser, represented by the 
> ProvidersFilter.Parser class, can be characterized as a Deterministic Finite 
> Automaton (DFA). The ProvidersFilter.Parser::parse method is the starting 
> point to get characters from the filter's string value and generate state 
> transitions in the parser's internal state-machine. See 
> ProvidersFilter.Parser::nextState for more details about the parser's states 
> and both valid and invalid transitions. The ParsingState enum defines valid 
> parser states and Transition the reasons to move between states. If a filter 
> string cannot be parsed, a ProvidersFilter.ParserException exception is 
> thrown, and turned into an unchecked IllegalArgumentException in the 
> ProvidersFilter.Filter constructor.
> While we analyzed —and even tried, at early stages of the development— the 
> use of regular expressions for filter parsing, we discarded the approach in 
> order to get maximum performance, support a more advanced syntax and have 
> flexibility for further extensions in the future.
> ### Filter (structure and behavior)
> A filter is represented by the ProvidersFilter.Filter class. It consists of 
> an ordered list of rules, returned by the parser, that represents filter 
> patterns from left to right (see the filter syntax for reference). At the end 
> of this list, a match-all and deny rule is added for default behavior. When a 
> service is evaluated against the filter, each filter rule is checked in the 
> ProvidersFilter.Filter::apply method. The rule makes an allow or deny 
> decision if the ser...

This pull request has been closed without being integrated.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/15539

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