My understanding of the structured concurrency APIs now in preview is that
when a subtask is forked, exceptions thrown in that stack trace will have
stack traces going up to the beginning of that subtask, not e.g. up the
structured concurrency task tree.  (My tests suggest this is the case for
simple virtual threads without structured concurrency.)  Most concurrency
frameworks on the JVM that I’ve encountered share the property that stack
traces for exceptions don’t trace through the entire causal chain – and,
not unrelatedly, that developers struggle to debug concurrent applications,
especially with stack traces from production and not full debuggers

In some cases, like chained CompletableFutures, this seems necessary to
ensure that executing what amounts to a loop does not result in stack
traces that grow linearly with the number of chained futures.  But when
structured concurrency is involved, it seems more plausible to me that the
most useful possible stack traces would go up the tree of tasks – that is,
whenever a task was forked, the stack trace would look roughly as if it
were a normal/sequential/direct invocation of the task.  This could
conceivably cause stack overflows where they didn’t happen before, but only
for code that violates the expectations we have around normal sequential
code: you can’t recurse unboundedly; use iteration instead.

I’m curious if there are ways we could make the upcoming structured
concurrency APIs give those stack traces all the way up the tree, or
provide hooks to enable you to do that yourself.  Last year’s JVMLS talk on
Continuations Under the Covers demonstrated how stacks were redesigned in
ways that frequently and efficiently snapshot the stack itself – not just
the trace, but the thing that includes all the variables in use.  There’s a
linked list of StackChunks, and all but maybe the top of the stack has
those elements frozen, etc, and the top of the stack gets frozen when the
thread is yielded.  Without certainty about how stack traces are managed in
the JVM today, I would imagine you could possibly do something similar –
you’d add a way to cheaply snapshot a reference to the current stack trace
that can be traversed later.  If you’re willing to hold on to all the
references currently on the stack – which might be acceptable for the
structured concurrency case in particular, where you might be able to
assume you’ll return to the parent task and its stack at some point – you
might be able to do this by simply wrapping the existing StackChunks.
Then, each `fork` or `StructuredTaskScope` creation might snapshot the
current call stack, and you’d stitch together the stack traces
later…somewhere.  That part is a little more open ended: would you add a
new variant of `fillInStackTrace`?  Would it only apply to exceptions that
bubbled up to the task scope?  Or would we be adding new semantics to what
happens when you throw an exception or walk the stack in general?  The most
plausible vision I have at this point is an API that spawns a virtual
thread which receives a stack trace of some sort – or perhaps snapshots the
current stack trace – and prepends that trace to all stack traces within
the virtual thread’s execution.

I suppose this is doable today if you’re willing to pay the performance
cost of explicitly getting the current stack trace every time you fork a
task or start a scope.  That is kind of antithetical to the point of
virtual threads – making forking tasks very efficient – but it’s something
you might be willing to turn on during testing.

Right now, my inspiration for this question is attempting to improve the
stack trace situation with Kotlin coroutines, where Google production apps
have complained about the difficulty of debugging with the current stack
traces.  But this is something I'd expect to apply equally well to all JVM
languages: the ability to snapshot and string together stack trace causal
chains like this in production could significantly improve the experience
of debugging concurrent code.

Louis Wasserman

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