If MS buy Y!, then the natural thing would be for Google to take over the


On 01/02/2008, Raghu Angadi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A little bit of speculation is ok I guess. It was good to see what Doug
> said above.
> I am obviously concerned about my favorite software both as a user and
> as a developer. I sure hope to continue to have the luxury of being paid
> full-time by Y! to work on Hadoop, access to massive internal Hadoop
> clusters, and of course co-Hadoopers around me at work.
> Speaking only for myself, not for Yahoo! , of course.
> Raghu.
> Adrian Woodhead wrote:
> > They are going to rewrite the entire thing in .NET and kill the Java
> > version of course ;)
> >
> > Let's wait and see if the sale goes thru before we even worry about what
> > might/might not happen hmmm?
> >
> > hank williams wrote:
> >> It is essentially impossible for me to conceive of Microsoft pulling
> >> Yahoo out of hadoop.
> >>
> >> Microsoft is blind. Yahoo is somewhat less blind, at least as it
> >> relates to the internet. Part of what Microsoft has stated is that
> >> they want the engineers from yahoo. How much sense would it make to
> >> suggest that you want all the engineers, but you want them to abandon
> >> everything they have done and start again on IIS. I dont think so.
> >>
> >> I believe Hadoop, at least in this regard, is *totally* safe.
> >>
> >> Hank
> >>
> >>
> >> -----------------------------------------
> >> whydoeseverythingsuck.com
> >>

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