I have some confusion over the use of Amazon S3 as storage.

I was looking at the fs.default.name as the name node -- a host and a port
the client uses to ask the name node to perform DFS services.  But for Amazon
S3 you give it an S3 bucket URL, which is really just a direct pointer to the storage. So it seems fs.default.name is really just a storage setting that happens
to be a service (host/port) for HDFS.  Even though S3 is also a service, it 
also be a name node.

If that's true, where is the host/port of the name node configured separate from
fs.default.name?  It would seem no matter what the underlying storage you'd need
a name node service somewhere.

I'm probably missing something bigger here ...

Steve Sapovits
Invite Media  -  http://www.invitemedia.com

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