On Tuesday 17 June 2008, Isabel Drost wrote:
> I am happy to announce the first German Hadoop Meetup in Berlin. We will
> meet at 5 p.m. MESZ next Tuesday (24th of June) at the newthinking store in
> Berlin Mitte.

Some preliminary feedback I gathered myself at the meeting: There were about 
20 people interested in Hadoop, Mahout and Co. The slides will be online as 
soon as I get them. The newthinking store offered to publish a blog post on 
the meeting, attach the slides and additional information. 

Feedback I got concerning Mahout: In the wiki we should indicate the status of 
the algorithms somewhere (are they only planned, available as JIRA patch or 
part of the main distribution). In addition we should move our collection of 
related books, articles and the like to the new wiki page. I guess I should 
be able to fix that in the coming days.

One visitor was especially interested in the Mahout and UIMA setting, as he is 
currently working on getting UIMA on EC2 - if I remember correctly. I hope to 
see a talk on his work at the next meeting:

We aggreed on meeting again in about two months - for several people the trip 
to Berlin was pretty long. I will announce the next meeting on the related 
user mailing lists soon, so stay tuned.


There will be big changes for you but you will be happy.
  |\      _,,,---,,_       Web:   <http://www.isabel-drost.de>
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'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) (fL)  IM:  <xmpp://[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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