you should use the web UI --each mapper / reducer can be inspected and there
is no need to ssh in.


2008/8/7 Karl Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On 28-Jul-08, at 6:33 PM, charles du wrote:
>  Hi:
>> I tried to run one of my map/reduce jobs on a cluster (hadoop 0.17.0).
>> I used 10 reducers. 9 of them returns quickly ( in a few seconds), but
>> one has been running for several hours, and still no sign of
>> completion. Do you know how I can debug it or find out what is going
>> on with this reducer?
> You can log, and set the status message.  If you're using streaming, I
> think you're limited to writing to stderr.  The only way I've found to read
> the logs on a distributed run is by sshing to the actual task box and
> looking at the log directory.  I've almost gotten frustrated enough to have
> my tasks send email, but not quite.
> Debugging is easier on a single pseudodistributed box because all the logs
> and stderr is right there, so try that if you can.

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