Thanks, Benjamin. Your example saved me a lot of time :))


On Aug 28, 2008, at 8:03 AM, Benjamin Gufler wrote:

Hi Shirley,

On 2008-08-28 14:32, Shirley Cohen wrote:
Do you have an example that shows how to use MultipleOutputFormat?

using MultipleOutputFormat is actually pretty easy. Derive a class from
it, overriding - if you want to base the destination file name on the
key and/or value - the method "generateFileNameForKeyValue". I'm using
it this way:

protected String generateFileNameForKeyValue(K key, V value,
        String name) {
    return name + "-" + key.toString();

Pay attention at not generating too many different file names, however: All the files are kept open until the Reducer terminates, and operating
systems usually impose a limit on open files you can have.

Also, if you haven't done so yet, please upgrade to the latest release,
0.18, if you want to use MultipleOutputFormat. Up to 0.17.2, there was
some trouble with Reducers having more than one output file (see
HADOOP-3639 for the details).


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