
I'm trying to figure out which log files are used by the job tracker's web interface to display the following information:

Job Name: my job
Job File: hdfs://localhost:9000/tmp/hadoop-scohen/mapred/system/ job_200809260816_0001/job.xml
Status: Succeeded
Started at: Fri Sep 26 08:18:04 CDT 2008
Finished at: Fri Sep 26 08:18:25 CDT 2008
Finished in: 20sec

What I would like to do is backup the log files that are needed to display this information so that we can look at it later if the need arises. When I copy everything from the hadoop home/logs directory into another hadoop home/logs directory, the jobs show up in the history page. However, all I see are the job name and starting time, but not the completion time or the length of the job.

Does anyone have any suggestions?



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