Shirley Cohen wrote:

I'm trying to figure out which log files are used by the job tracker's web interface to display the following information:

Job Name: my job
Job File: hdfs://localhost:9000/tmp/hadoop-scohen/mapred/system/job_200809260816_0001/job.xml
Status: Succeeded
Started at: Fri Sep 26 08:18:04 CDT 2008
Finished at: Fri Sep 26 08:18:25 CDT 2008
Finished in: 20sec

What I would like to do is backup the log files that are needed to display this information so that we can look at it later if the need arises. When I copy everything from the hadoop home/logs directory into another hadoop home/logs directory, the jobs show up in the history page. However, all I see are the job name and starting time, but not the completion time or the length of the job.

Looks like the JobStatus structure. Perhaps you will need to tune the logging information to display this when the log finishes, if it is not listed adequately.

  • job details Shirley Cohen
    • Re: job details Steve Loughran

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