Since you need to pass only one number (average) to all mappers, you can
pass it through jobconf with a config variable defined by you, say

- milind

On 11/11/08 8:25 PM, "some speed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for the response. What I am trying is to do is finding the average
> and then the standard deviation for a very large set (say a million) of
> numbers. The result would be used in further calculations.
> I have got the average from the first map-reduce chain. now i need to read
> this average as well as the set of numbers to calculate the standard
> deviation.  so one file would have the input set and the other "resultant"
> file would have just the average.
> Please do tell me in case there is a better way of doing things than what i
> am doing. Any input/suggestion is appreciated.:)
> On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 4:22 AM, Amar Kamat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Amar Kamat wrote:
>>> some speed wrote:
>>>> I was wondering if it was possible to read the input for a map function
>>>> from
>>>> 2 different files:
>>>>  1st file ---> user-input file from a particular location(path)
>>> Is the input/user file sorted? If yes then you can use "map-side join" for
>> performance reasons. See org.apache.hadoop.mapred.join for more details.
>>> 2nd file=---> A resultant file (has just one <key,value> pair) from a
>>>> previous MapReduce job. (I am implementing a chain MapReduce function)
>>> Can you explain in more detail the contents of 2nd file?
>>>> Now, for every <key,value> pair in the user-input file, I would like to
>>>> use
>>>> the same <key,value> pair from the 2nd file for some calculations.
>>> Can you explain this in more detail? Can you give some abstracted example
>> of how file1 and file2 look like and what operation/processing you want to
>> do?
>>> I guess you might need to do some kind of join on the 2 files. Look at
>>> contrib/data_join for more details.
>>> Amar
>>>> Is it possible for me to do so? Can someone guide me in the right
>>>> direction
>>>> please?
>>>> Thanks!

Milind Bhandarkar
Y!IM: GridSolutions

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