part-00000 means, there is only one reduce task in your configuration.

Hope, this helps.

Tien Duc Dinh

Jim Twensky wrote:
> Hello,
> The original map-reduce paper states: "After successful completion, the
> output of the map-reduce execution is available in the R output files (one
> per reduce task, with file names as specified by the user)." However, when
> using Hadoop's TextOutputFormat, all the reducer outputs are combined in a
> single file called part-00000. I was wondering how and when this merging
> process is done. When the reducer calls output.collect(key,value), is this
> record written to a local temporary output file in the reducer's disk and
> then these local files (a total of R) are later merged into one single
> file
> with a final thread or is it directly written to the final output file
> (part-00000)? I am asking this because I'd like to get an ordered sample
> of
> the final output data, ie. one record per every 1000 records or something
> similar and I don't want to run a serial process that iterates on the
> final
> output file.
> Thanks,
> Jim

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