did not thank about that good points
I found a way to keep it from happening
I set dfs.datanode.du.reserved in the config file

"Hairong Kuang" <hair...@yahoo-inc.com> wrote in message news:c59f9164.ed09%hair...@yahoo-inc.com...
%Remaining is much more fluctuate than %dfs used. This is because dfs shares the disks with mapred and mapred tasks may use a lot of disks temporally. So
trying to keep the same %free is impossible most of the time.


On 1/19/09 10:28 PM, "Billy Pearson" <sa...@pearsonwholesale.com> wrote:

Why do we not use the Remaining % in place of use Used % when we are
selecting datanode for new data and when running the balancer.
form what I can tell we are using the use % used and we do not factor in non
DFS Used at all.
I see a datanode with only a 60GB hard drive fill up completely 100% before
the other servers that have 130+GB hard drives get half full.
Seams like Trying to keep the same % free on the drives in the cluster would
be more optimal in production.
I know this still may not be perfect but would be nice if we tried.


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