Hey Craig,
I tried the way u suggested..but i get this transport endpoint not connected. Can i see the logs anywhere? I dont see anything in /var/ log/messages either looks like it tries to create the file system in hdfs.c but not sure where it fails.
I have the hadoop home set so i believe it gets the config info.

any idea?

On Jan 28, 2009, at 1:59 PM, Craig Macdonald wrote:

In theory, yes.
On inspection of libhdfs, which underlies fuse-dfs, I note that:

* libhdfs takes a host and port number as input when connecting, but not a scheme (hdfs etc). The easiest option would be to set the S3 as your default file system in your hadoop-site.xml, then use the host of "default". That should get libhdfs to use the S3 file system. i.e. set fuse-dfs to mount dfs://default:0/ and all should work as planned.

* libhdfs also casts the FileSystem to a DistributedFileSystem for the df command. This would fail in your case. This issue is currently being worked on - see HADOOP-4368


Roopa Sudheendra wrote:
Thanks for the response craig.
I looked at fuse-dfs c code and looks like it does not like anything other than "dfs:// " so with the fact that hadoop can connect to S3 file system ..allowing s3 scheme should solve my problem?


On Jan 28, 2009, at 1:03 PM, Craig Macdonald wrote:

Hi Roopa,

I cant comment on the S3 specifics. However, fuse-dfs is based on a C interface called libhdfs which allows C programs (such as fuse- dfs) to connect to the Hadoop file system Java API. This being the case, fuse-dfs should (theoretically) be able to connect to any file system that Hadoop can. Your mileage may vary, but if you find issues, please do report them through the normal channels.


Roopa Sudheendra wrote:
I am experimenting with Hadoop backed by Amazon s3 filesystem as one of our backup storage solution. Just the hadoop and s3(block based since it overcomes the 5gb limit) so far seems to be fine. My problem is that i want to mount this filesystem using fuse-dfs ( since i don't have to worry about how the file is written on the system ) . Since the namenode does not get started with s3 backed hadoop system how can i connect fuse-dfs to this setup.

Appreciate your help.

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