Since you are running hadoop on psuedo-distributed mode, it is possible that
just 1 reduce task will bing better performance, and this will depend on
your input's size and content.
2009/3/5 Sandy <>

> Hello all,
> For the sake of benchmarking, I ran the standard hadoop wordcount example
> on
> an input file using 2, 4, and 8 mappers and reducers for my job.
> In other words,  I do:
> time -p bin/hadoop jar hadoop-0.18.3-examples.jar wordcount -m 2 -r 2
> sample.txt output
> time -p bin/hadoop jar hadoop-0.18.3-examples.jar wordcount -m 4 -r 4
> sample.txt output2
> time -p bin/hadoop jar hadoop-0.18.3-examples.jar wordcount -m 8 -r 8
> sample.txt output3
> Strangely enough, when this increase in mappers and reducers result in
> slower running times!
> -On 2 mappers and reducers it ran for 40 seconds
> on 4 mappers and reducers it ran for 60 seconds
> on 8 mappers and reducers it ran for 90 seconds!
> Please note that the "sample.txt" file is identical in each of these runs.
> I have the following questions:
> - Shouldn't wordcount get -faster- with additional mappers and reducers,
> instead of slower?
> - If it does get faster for other people, why does it become slower for me?
>  I am running hadoop on psuedo-distributed mode on a single 64-bit Mac Pro
> with 2 quad-core processors, 16 GB of RAM and 4 1TB HDs
> I would greatly appreciate it if someone could explain this behavior to me,
> and tell me if I'm running this wrong. How can I change my settings (if at
> all) to get wordcount running faster when i increases that number of maps
> and reduces?
> Thanks,
> -SM

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