On Mar 17, 2009, at 10:08 AM, Carlos Valiente wrote:

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 14:56, Tamir Kamara <tamirkam...@gmail.com> wrote:
I don't know too much about multicast... and I'm using the default gmond
conf file.

The default multicast address seems to be, so that's the
one for your hadoop-metrics.properties.

Yup, try that - although I could tell better if I had Tamir's gmond.conf, of course.

Wouldn't using the multicast address mean I'll need to specify a different address for each node so that the data won't get to all nodes running gmond

The design of Ganglia is such that all the data goes at all the nodes running gmond. If you don't like it, Ganglia 3.1 supports non- multicast TCP channels.

For reference, our 200 node cluster has about 250KB/s of background chatter on idle nodes, which is probably Ganglia-related. It's an incredibly small perturbation on network traffic.


I'm not an expert, either --- I'm using the same multicast address on
all nodes in my cluster. On each node, tcpdump shows incoming Ganglia
traffic from every other node to the multicast address. It's usually a
burst of about  200 UDP packets every 4 seconds or so (for a 6-node
cluster), so the traffic overhead should be negligible.


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