I already try the mountable HDFS, both webDav and FUSE approach, it
seem both of it is not
production ready ..


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OpenThink Labs

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On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Sagar Naik <sn...@attributor.com> wrote:
> Yes u can
> Java Client :
> Copy the conf dir (same as one on namenode/datanode) and hadoop jars shud be
> in the classpath of client
> Non Java Client :
> http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/MountableHDFS
> -Sagar
> -Sagar
> deepya wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   I am SreeDeepya doing MTech in IIIT.I am working on a project named cost
>> effective and scalable storage server.I configured a small hadoop cluster
>> with only two nodes one namenode and one datanode.I am new to hadoop.
>> I have a small doubt.
>> Can a system not in the hadoop cluster access the namenode or the
>> datanode????If yes,then can you please tell me the necessary
>> configurations
>> that has to be done.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> SreeDeepya

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