Hi Brian

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 3:46 PM, Brian Bockelman <bbock...@cse.unl.edu> wrote:
> Hey Stefan,
> I like it.  I would like to hear a bit how the security policies work.  If I
> open this up to "the world", how does "the world" authenticate/authorize
> with my cluster?

Not at all. The daemon part of Hadoop UI is running under a
configurable user and will issue calls to Hadoop on behalf of this
user. Its not much different from the standard web UI in this domain.
The plan is to introduce a authentication layer with one of the next
releases. It will be based on Spring Security and thus enables you to
use many different authentication providers. So downloading all those
Spring libraries along with the project will finally pay off ;)

> I'd love nothing more to be able to give my users a dead-simple way to move
> files on and off the cluster.  This appears to be a step in the right
> direction.
> I'm not familiar with Adobe Flex -- how will this affect other's abilities
> to use it (i.e., Linux & Mac folks?) and how will this affect the ability to
> contribute (i.e., if you get a new job, are the users of this project
> screwed?).  Gah, I sound like my boss.

Theres nothing arcane about Flex, but please don't tell anybody. You
can get the recently open sourced (MPL) SDK for any platform
supporting Java and compile Hadoop UI using ant. Other libraries used
are flexlib (MIT license), Spring (Apache L.),  BlazeDS (LGPL). In
case I would have to look for a new job, as you suggest, other people
would be able to fork as long as they know some Action Script, the
actual language used in Flex, and some XML.

- Stefan

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