Simon Lewis <> writes:

> On 3 Apr 2009, at 15:11, Ian Soboroff wrote:
>> Steve Loughran <> writes:
>>> I think from your perpective it makes sense as it stops anyone
>>> getting
>>> itchy fingers and doing their own RPMs.
>> Um, what's wrong with that?
> I would certainly like the ability to build RPMs from a source
> checkout, anyone thought of putting a standard spec file in with the
> source somewhere?

Another vote for a .spec file to be included in the standard
distribution as a contrib.

If it's ok with Cloudera (since my spec file just came from them), I
will edit my JIRA to offer that proposal.  If it's Cloudera's spec
that's included, we should also include the init.d script templates
(which are already Apache licensed).


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