There is some mismatch here.. what is the expected ip address of this machine (or does it have multiple interfaces and properly routed)? Looking at the "Receiving Block" message DN thinks its address is but NN thinks it is 253.32 (and client is able to connect using 253.32).

If you want to find the destination ip that this DN is unable to connect to, you can check client's log for this block number.

Stas Oskin wrote:

2009/4/22 jason hadoop <>

Most likely that machine is affected by some firewall somewhere that
prevents traffic on port 50075. The no route to host is a strong indicator,
particularly if the Datanote registered with the namenode.

Yes, this was my first thought as well. But there is no firewall, and the
port can be connected via netcat from any other machine.

Any other idea?


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