
The way to diagnose this explicitly is:
> 1) on the server machine that should be accepting connections on the port,
> telnet localhost PORT, and telnet IP PORT you should get a connection, if
> not then the server is not binding the port.
> 2) on the remote machine verify that you can communicate to the server
> machine via normal tools such as ssh and or ping and or traceroute, using
> the IP address from the error message in your log file
> 3) on the remote machine run telnet IP PORT. if (1) and (2) succeeded and
> (3) does not, then there is something blocking packets for the port range
> in
> question. If (3) does succeed then there is some probably interesting
> problem.

 Tried in step 3 to telnet both the 50010 and the 8010 ports of the
problematic datanode - both worked.

I agree there is indeed an interesting problem :). Question is how it can be


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